"Of course, I remember that."Keely uttered and Pierce laughed too for he remember that he took the first bite of that bread.

"Oh wow, good old days."Pierce uttered with a sigh and Meryl looked down. Seeing Pierce and the boys' reaction hit Meryl hard. It slapped her the reality that she really isn't Dylan and Paris' mother and Pierce was never hers first.

"I'll just go to the bathroom."Meryl whispered to Paris and he just nodded. Dylan noticed that but he didn't utter a word.

"I think I need to go. I still have a flight to catch."Keely suddenly uttered.

"Thank you Pierce for letting me in."Keely said softly and Pierce smiled at her.

"Not me, it's Meryl but still, you're welcome. It is nice seeing you with the boys."Pierce said and he hugged her for a short time.

"Bye, Dylan. Bye, Paris. Take care okay?"Keely said as she hug her boys. The two bade their goodbyes and Keely left. Pierce went back to his studio and he didn't even bother finding Meryl to tell her that Keely already left.

Dylan walked inside the house and Nicky is still in the living room with her "busy to give a fuck" mood. He pinched Nicky's cheek and she immediately slapped his hand.

"Have you seen mom?"Dylan asked and Nicky just pointed up. He immediately got the idea that Meryl is at their veranda because ever since she stopped working, she always sit there when she wanted to relax or when she is feeling an extreme emotion. Dylan immediately headed there and he is right. He sat beside his mother and Meryl looked at him.

"Hi, what you doing here?Where's your mom?"Meryl asked right away.

"She just left and I missed my mommy already."Dylan answered and Meryl looked back at the sea.

"I'm sure she misses the both of you too."Meryl said softly and Dylan put an arm around her shoulders.

"I'm talking about Mary Louise. She is my mommy. Do you know her?"Dylan asked with a giggle and Meryl pinched his cheek.

"She missed you, too. For a short while, she missed you."Meryl answered.

"Is that the reason why you walked out?"Dylan asked and Meryl's forehead creased.

"Of course not."Meryl answered defensively.

"Mom, I know you. There is something wrong that's why you suddenly left."Dylan retorted and Meryl leaned on his shoulder.

"Are you going to be mad if I tell you that I suddenly got jealous?"Meryl asked.

"Why would I get mad?Tell me what you felt aside from jealousy."Dylan said softly and Meryl smiled sweetly.

"I just felt that you know, at the end of the day, I am not really your mom and dad isn't mine first. I saw the way he looked at your mom, I felt needles in my heart you know."Meryl said and a tear fell from her eye that Dylan can't see.

"Mom, whatever you heard earlier, those are in the past, what matters is now. You, you will always be our mom. You are our mommy and even if we have our biological mother, you are our mother by heart."Dylan said almost a whisper and he kissed his mother's crown.

"You didn't carry us for nine months but mommy, that is not the basis of your motherhood to us. Don't be sad, we love you more, always remember that mommah."Dylan added and Meryl wiped her tears immediately.

"Why are you becoming more like Lou?You both know the right words to say."Meryl said and Dylan chuckled.

"Because she is my sister and you are our mother."Dylan said and he started rubbing her baby bump.

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