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Nick.  Hell (until real name discovered)

Nick- Hey Hell boy.

Hell- Don't call me thar or I swear to god when I see you in real life Im going to beat the living shit out of you.

Nick- Haha your probably short.

Hell- I'm not short hmph. Just because I'm only 5'6 doesn't mean I'm short.

Nick- Wait how old are you? Just to make sure I'm not talking to a 15 year old.

Hell- Excuse me just because I'm short doesn't mean that I'm young. I am 20 Years Old.

Nick- Ooo great :) I'm 23 haha I'm older then you. Now you have to respect me.

Hell- Who would respect a person dumber than a box of rocks? No one exactly.

Nick- No fair you can't say this to me ;(

Hell- I have to go my break is over.

Nick- Oh... I didn't know you work. Well have fun :) Goodbye ❤

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