The passage he takes us through leads us to a chamber that's blocked by a giant metal gate. "Why is this a dead end?!" Raji screams at the gate in frustration.

"Yes, why indeed?" I roll my eyes.

"You know, we're kind of wondering the same thing," Obi says dryly. 

Shirayuki approaches the gate with a thoughtful look. "Well, maybe it's not a dead end and we can open the gate," she murmurs optimistically. 

Raji seems to spot something near the doorway we came in from. "Oh, look up there!" he points at two chains dangling from the walls. "If we pull those chains at the same time, we'll be able to lift the gate!"

Shirayuki and I stand closer to watch as Raji and Obi grab a chain each and pull.

But instead of opening the gate, a brick disappears from the side wall. "The wall!" Shirayuki gasps.

Every muscle in my body screams 'danger!', and I ready myself as two arrows fly out of the hole in the wall toward us. 

The first arrow heads toward Raji, who just stands there dumbly, not even trying to dodge it. Obi cries, "Watch out!" He flings himself at Raji, and both of them fall in a heap on the ground. The arrow misses them and hits the lantern instead.

The second arrow is flying toward Shirayuki. Immediately, I tackle her like Obi did to Raji, and the both of us crouch low on the ground as the arrow flies above our heads.

After the danger is gone, I let Shirayuki up. She gives me a quick thanks before turning to check on Raji and Obi. "Are you okay, Your Highness?" Obi asks Raji, who nods in shock.

"What was that?" Shirayuki looks toward the hole in the wall with alarm.

"Oh, I just remembered!" Raji jumps to his feet. "There are traps all over the place down here in case of invaders or pursuers!"

"Then we should probably head back." Shirayuki suggests.

Raji groans. "How inconvenient." He turns to leave the chamber when his foot presses down on another loose tile. We watch in shock as another metal gate blocks the doorway we came in from, while the one we were trying to open is lifted.

"Well, I guess we can't go back the way we came from," I sigh, tilting my head to the new passageway that's opened up. "The only way to go is forward."

"What in the world is going on?" Raji cries.

Obi blinks at him. "You know, we're kind of wondering the same thing!"

Raji turns away. "Well, this is hardly my fault. I'm not the one who put the traps down here!"

"No one's blaming you, Prince Raji," Shirayuki soothes him. "Should we just stay put and wait for help?"

"No one comes down here except for emergencies or drain patrols in the morning." Raji deflates. "We're on our own until morning."

I frown, walking through the newly opened gate. "Then come on. We might as well get moving."

Just after a few minutes of walking, Raji collapses onto his knees. "I hate it here," he wails as he sinks to the floor. 

"Oh, are you alright, your highness?" Shirayuki hurries over to his side.

"Without a carriage, I cannot continue any farther!" Raji groans dejectedly. "Just leave me and go on."

I frown. "We can't do that! Without you, we'll be lost completely!" If we aren't already, I add silently.

"Yes, please get up, Prince Raji!" Shirayuki pleads. "We can rely on your memory!"

"You can...rely?" Raji says slowly, like he's thinking about what she means. Then he's up on his feet again in a flash. "Let's go then!"

Unfamiliar: Obi x OC snow white with the red hair fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now