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Cress's POV

"You mean it was empty?" Mitsuhide sounds alarms when we tell him about the empty armory. We're on the roof now, and I watch Obi making snowballs.

"Yes, and I'm pretty sure that boy didn't know anything about it," says Obi thoughtfully. "Someone must have used this opportunity to raid the place." He suddenly grins mischievously. "Shall we shift our focus to hunting bandits? That's my specialty after all." He holds out a bunch of kunai knives in one hand.

"I could help, too," I agree, my hand reaching to the pouch of knives at my belt. "I've done this sort of thing before."

"No, we have to focus on helping the soldiers." Zen sighs. "Put those away, Obi."

Kiki speaks for the first time in a while, and we all turn to her. "Why don't we bring Shirayuki here? She could give us some insight on what's happening."

Zen thinks about it for a few second, then agrees. "Mitsuhide, go get her." 

"Right away," Mitsuhide runs to his horse, disappearing from our view within a minute.

"Now all we can do is wait," Zen sighs. "I hope they don't take too long."

My thoughts shift back to the soldiers lying asleep inside. Their conditions could get worse by the time Shirayuki gets here. "Prince Zen?"


"I'll go back inside," I decide. "I'll do what I can do help the soldiers until Shirayuki gets here. I know enough to help take of them."

"What?" It's Obi who speaks, looking at me with rounded eyes. "You can't go back in there! You could get sick!"

I shrug. "It's fine. I don't get sick easily." I turn back to Zen, who looks slightly alarmed at my suggestion. "Please, let me go back in. What if Shirayuki doesn't come back in time and the soldiers' conditions worsen?"

After a long moment of hesitation that I impatiently endured, the prince finally nods. "Alright, but don't push yourself too much." His consent makes Obi's jaw drop and me smile.

"Of course," I'm glad I can finally help with something, and I hurriedly head back inside.

When I arrive at the main room, the soldiers are right where they were before. I bend down to examine the closest man from me. I wonder what kind of illness this is. The man was pale, and when I placed my hand on his forehead, I felt that it was burning. "Oh no, he has a high fever," I groan worriedly. I bring a bucket of water to his side, wet a cloth in it, and then place the cloth on his forehead. I hope that helps. I move on to the next man.

Everyone's incredibly sick, and I find myself running back and forth to grab more blankets or water. When I finish helping the last soldier, I notice that the fire is getting smaller. Can't have the fire dying out. I hurry to the fireplace, grabbing a piece of firewood and throwing into the fire. As the fire crackles, it shoots a cloud of dust and hot embers into my face, which makes me cough. When the dust clears, I see that the fire is bigger now, and I sigh in relief. Great. The soldiers won't freeze to death anytime soon.

Stretching my arms, I head outside to tell Zen that I've done all the work I could. Then I hear Zen's voice inside, saying, "That's all right. I can stay here."

"Did you hear a word I just said?" I hear the upset voice of Shirayuki, and as I walk closer, I see her and Zen arguing.

"I don't like to be outside in the cold." Zen grunts, which is very clearly an excuse he just made up on the spot. Really, the cold?

"Quit making excuses!" Shirayuki huffs. 

"I can't just leave you alone after bringing you into this mess!" Zen exclaims passionately.

Unfamiliar: Obi x OC snow white with the red hair fanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant