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Cress's POV

Upon getting dressed, we are informed by a servant that Raji wants us to come to the library this morning. "The library? Raji reads?" I mutter to myself incredulously.

We enter the library, quite a big room with two floors that is filled with many shelves of books. "Impressive," I comment to my friends, who are also staring around in wonder.

"Yeah, it is," Obi agrees. "But why did he want to meet here?"

Shirayuki calls out, "Prince Raji, are you hiding in here somewhere?"

"Look up here!" His voice rings out from above, and we lift our heads to see Raji leaning against a bookshelf on the second floor, a book in his hands. "Good morning."


Raji plops down into one of the comfortable reading chairs, me and Shirayuki seated on either side of him. "I have to say, I was surprised you two were so eager to spend all day in the library." he murmurs.

"I like reading," I explain. "Books can teach me so much, and it's been such a long time since I've spent my time in a library as grand as this one." Come to think of it, Wistal Castle must have one, too, right? I'll check it out after I get back.

"I see. Well, tell me if you get bored."

Shirayuki hums thoughtfully as she reads. "Okay! But with so many interesting books, it seems unlikely."

Obi grumbles under his breath by my chair so that only I can hear him. "Well, here I am, dying of boredom."

I chuckle inwardly at his words, opening a book I had just picked out for myself. It's about the types of animals and plants that grow in the nearby forests of Tanbarun. Quite interesting.

"I didn't think you would like studying," Shirayuki says to Raji. "Are you studying something in particular?"

Raji sniffs, burying his nose in his book. "I'm the first prince of a powerful kingdom- it's important for me to study matters of the state!"

"Of course," I say smoothly. "Would you mind telling us about some of the things you have learned from your studies?"

A bead of sweat forms on the prince's forehead. "I-I want to finish this book. Maybe next time!" 

"Fine with me," I give him a small smile. "I'll be interested in hearing all about it."


The next day, we return to the library, much to Obi's dismay. "Another library day," he groans to me as we greet Raji this morning after climbing up to the second floor again. 

"You should try reading sometimes," I suggest to him teasingly. "Maybe you wouldn't find it as boring as you think."

"No thanks," Obi shakes his head. "What's so fun about staring at letters on a page?"

Laughing slightly, I reply, "Then just stand guard all day again, I guess. Maybe you could protect us from a papercut."

"Very funny," Obi mumbles as I flash him a smirk and open my book, settling into the chair.

In an hour or two, I've finished the stack of books at my table. I yawn, standing up abruptly. "I'm going to go find more books," I announce quietly, earning a nod from Shirayuki and Raji.

I climb down to the first floor, exploring an area of the library I haven't been to before. I choose a few books with interesting covers, and I'm about to head back when I find even more books that intrigue me. I can't just pass them by. So I end up with a stack of books that rises way above my head, making it difficult to see. 

Unfamiliar: Obi x OC snow white with the red hair fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now