In My Hands the Means 2

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Chapter 2: Nero: Iniquitas usquam est a threat ut justicia undique.

Same time somewhere in Tokyo

Nanami Hara was buying a present for her friend's eighteenth birthday a week early. Doing so now prevented her from nearly forgetting because of homework. It was broad daylight and she loved the feel of the sun's warmth against her light brown hair as she strolled to one store after another. Her eyes strayed to her left, showing a possible shortcut home through the alley. After a few minutes of thought she decided against it and was about to continue on her way when someone grabbed her. Nanami's eyes searched the area in a panic for someone...anyone. When she was blindfolded, she screamed for help until someone put a foul smelling handkerchief over her mouth and nose. It muffled her cries for help as she slipped off to another world.

"Vous idiote!Nous devoir se presser maintenant !Quiconque dans quelques centaine pieds pouvions prendre écouter son!*" Was the last thing she heard before she passed out.

She woke up sometime later and slowly opened her blue topaz eyes only to be met with blackness. The young woman was free to talk though, yet now she was afraid to as she heard the sounds of heavy footsteps, clinking metal, and a voice speaking what she knew to be French into a cell phone. Nanami now regretted not studying the class hard enough while she learned English and Spanish at the same time. Thankfully, she knew a little and made sure to listen closely, which was difficult because even though he was close his words were hurried.

": I'm sorry it took so long...he left for his...yeah...see he's there. Girl is...of course...almost six. Agreed.:" She managed to make out so little but it was enough to let her know she needed to find a way out of there now or she'd be leaving in a body bag. She almost didn't want the blindfold to be moved from her eyes.

As if on cue she heard the footsteps grow closer and it felt like the floor was shaking, but Nanami soon found it was just her; her nerves tense with anticipation and fear. The blindfold was lifted from her face and she caught sight of the source of the metal clinking in her kidnappers hand opposite the one holding the phone before he put it away.

He was tapping a knife habitually against a table top and when she looked on she found, to her distaste, that the knife in his hand wasn't the only sharp item in the room. The table held guns, knives, swords, razors, and things she didn't know the names of as she had never seen them before.

Nanami reluctantly glanced at him to see him watching her stoically. He had light neatly groomed flaxen hair that ceased at half past his ears, flawless three shades darker than pale skin, and thinly lashed hazel eyes that burned their way past her skull. It was like they could sense her every thought and emotion. She had never felt the gaze of eyes so cryptic and intimidating, but they seemed to hold her in her place as her body trembled. Nanami couldn't prevent her overactive imagination as it brought up one horrid possible death after the next. Only vaguely aware of her binds she imagined him severing her every limb and letting her bleed out, crucifying her, hanging her the wrong way so she would slowly suffocate and then slice a line across her neck.

The man then spoke a language that was not French but Latin. This was a course she had taken so she heard every word. His voice was cold, dark, and yet pleasant to listen to.

"God, I send to you the soul of this innocent child to cleanse my sins." As he approached her, her eyes widened and she squirmed wildly in her seat in a fruitless attempt to escape. The last mistake she made was looking up into his eyes. They had changed and now he held such a soft and sweet smile. She was so caught up in it that she failed to recall the knife still in his now poised hand.

There was a stunning pain in her lower torso and her gaze snapped to it, finding her light blue summer dress changing color and tearing as the man drew a curved line across her stomach resembling a smile. Nanami's last memory would be of his angelic expression as he pulled the knife out, ignored the insides and warm red life blood soaking the cement floor, and stabbed it into her heart.

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