Chapter 1

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Maddox's POV

I sat at my desk looking over the mail that was just dropped off. There was a request letter from a rogue, asking to attend the nearby university. She sent all of the necessary documents, and after a quick background check, I found she was one of the cleanest rogues I've ever seen. Before I could make the final decision I had to wait for my step brother to get back from border patrol since we were both Alpha of the Toxic Earth pack. Originally we had been two packs known as Toxic Moon and Savage Earth, but that was before the King and Queen had requested all Alphas gather and our parents met. 

When my father met his mother it was well after they each mated someone else so they could have an heir to pass down the title of Alpha too. By then, Cassius and I were already born. As part of the agreement our parents had been smart enough to make, the mating between my parents, and his parents, were nulled so my dad and his mom could mate. It wasn't too bad of an adjustment. One good thing came out of it, and that was our little sister, Ruby. My step mother, Orelia, is a kind woman who loves this pack, and is good friends with my mother so I wasn't too upset. The only thing that bothered me was that I have to share the title of Alpha with my step brother Cassius. Now he isn't a complete moron, at least when it comes to the pack's well being. His own decision regarding himself however, truly were never the best in the world. 

When he came in, he was covered in sweat, only wearing basketball shorts. A towel was draped around his neck. "What's up Maddox," He asked me. I held out the request letter, "A rogue is wishing to attend the university." "Don't we usually turn these down," He asked as he took it. I nodded, "Usually, but that's when they have a horrid past. Ms. Archer is one of the cleanest rogues I have ever come across." "She didn't state why she was a rogue," He pointed out. "Well if it was for anything bad, then it would have been in her file when I did a background check. The only thing in her file was her birth certificate, social security card, her school record which was extremely clean, her tax documents when she filed taxes, and her living history," I explained to him. "She even went to every meeting with her Rogue Rep." 

A Rogue Rep, was much like a probation officer. They keep tabs on your location, what you're doing, and other things to keep the King informed.  If you break a law or miss a certain number of meetings then you're hunted down and arrested. If you have a good reason for missing a meeting then you'll be released, but if you're arrested for a crime, you'll be stuck there for a while, and depending your crime, you could even be executed. 

"I want to know why she's a rogue," He declared, dropping it on to my desk. "Then let's ask her," I said while grabbing my phone. I found her contact information and called her. When she answered she was in a noisy area, "Hello." "This is Alpha Maddox from Toxic Moon," I told her. "Oh, let me move somewhere quieter," She said. I could hear her tell someone she was going to take her paid ten before I heard her shut a door, the noise instantly becoming quiet. "I'm sorry about that, you called me while at work. How can I help you sir," Her voice was very sweet and polite. "I am calling to ask why the reason you're a rogue is blank," I informed her. "Oh that," She said as if it wasn't a huge thing. "You see, I was born one. When filling out the paperwork there is no other or option to write your reason so I had to leave it blank. My parents were rogues and they had me. The reason they're rogues is because their two packs were at war with each other and their parents, and Alphas told them to either leave the pack or reject their mate. Not wanting their mating to be decided by a war over land, they left to be together. A couple years later, the packs ended up completely killing each other in their war. The pack names were Stone Face and Lasting Oak." 

I remembered the pack names well although I was a pup when they killed each other. I looked at Cassius, waiting for his final decision. "Give me one second to discuss something with Alpha Cassius," I then put her on hold. "I approve her ability to attend the school." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Okay, she may attend the school. One wrong move though, and she's dead." I nodded and took her off of hold. "Are you still there Ms. Archer," I asked her. "Yes sir," She answered. "You have permission to attend the university," I informed her. She had a squeal of happiness, "Thank you so much." 

"Hey Tempest, get your ass back on the floor and serve those drinks," A man rudely yelled in the background. "Yes sir," she told whoever. "Thank you Mr. Maddox and Mr. Cassius." The lack of Alpha in the title informed me the man was human. "Just don't cause us any trouble Ms. Archer," I warned her. "Yes sir," she said then she hung up to get back at work. 

"She was rather polite," Cassius said. I nodded, "That she was." Most rogues are rude beyond belief. I guess not all of them were bad. Now we had to inform those that needed to know of her attending the school. 

Tempest's POV

I was beyond excited to have permission to attend the university. My Rogue Rep told me it was going to be a shot in the dark, but I didn't care. I had to try. Now I just had to wait for my forms to come from them and the school. After leaving work I called my mother. When she answered I could hear my mother laughing, telling my dad to leave her alone so she could talk to me. "Hey sweetie," She said when dad gave in to her demands. "I got permission," I told her excitedly. "That's great honey," My mother said completely shocked. "When did you find out?" "When I was at work. They only asked me why I left my reason for being a rogue blank, then they gave me permission," I told her. "Honey, we're so happy for you. But we're also worried about you," She told. "Toxic Earth truly isn't one that lets rogues on to it's land easily." "If I don't start trouble then there can't be trouble," I reasoned with her. "Mom, I'm going to be fine." She sighed, "I know honey, I'm just worried." 

I rolled my eyes, "I promise mom, I'll be careful." "Make sure you call me everyday so I know you're okay," She told me. Talk about being over protective, "Yes ma'am." I could then hear the phone being taken from her, and her complaints. "Congrats getting permission pumpkin," My dad said. "Thanks dad," I said smiling. "When on their territory, keep your wits about you, and never challenge a pack wolf. Even if something is there fault, their pack will back them up every time," He told me. "I'm aware dad," I told him with a sigh. "We love you pumpkin," He said. "I love you guys too," I said while smiling again. "Now if you'll excuse us, your mother and I have to get back to something very important," He informed me. He then hung up and I couldn't help my gag. I don't mind them doing sexual things, but I prefer they just not tell me about said sexual things. Sometimes I couldn't figure out if my parents were adults or horny teenagers. Despite their over protective weirdness, they were my parents and I loved them. 

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