John titters and thrusts his body between me and my target.

"What are you doing?" I shoulder him out of my way.

He returns the shove with greater force, flinging me off my feet.

"John. You're on my side. You're with me. Not them. Me." I scramble to my feet and try to push through his block. He doesn't move. When I try to dodge around him, he blocks that path too.

"What are you doing? Get out of my way."

He raises a blade, aiming for my middle. I lift the spear toward the space where his head used to be. In the tiny, perpetually bubbling center of his neck, I notice a tiny valve. This is why he's been gurgling—his mechanics. I point the spear directly at it.

We stand off.

"This is stupid." I throw the spear down.

He doesn't drop his claw.

"I can't hurt you, John. Whatever's happening, shake off their hold. You're your own unit now. Like me."

I approach slowly. When I press my belly up against his blade, he doesn't relent. I step farther into it, the cool metal slicing through my jacket and touching my bare skin. It would take one inch of force for him to gut me and end this nightmare for good. But I know he won't do it. I don't know how I know, but I know.

"Lorn, what the hell are you doing? It doesn't understand you. It's a monster, not a rational being." Knuckles is behind me. I can't see him, but the fear in his voice is loud and clear. I ignore him.

"We're one unit now, John. You and me. We are in this together. I'll prove it to you."

I lean forward. I feel the blade break skin.

He backs up.

When I step closer, he moves away farther and drops his claw.

I look down. A streak of blood trickles from the line he sliced into my abdomen through my jacket. He could have killed me, but he didn't. I pressed my body up against him, gave him every opportunity to kebob me, but he didn't. Just like I could have skewered him in his neck-hole, but didn't.

I back off to put more space between us and kneel, the pool of blood from my Guilded victims soaking through my pants. He lowers his body until his stumpy neck is at eye level with me. I rest my hands on it and drop my forehead down. It's the first time I've really touched this part of him.

"It's you and me," I say closing my eyes for a second. "We've been through too much to fall for anyone else's commands. It's just you and me."

He shrinks, covering me with his body.

My second of peace is disturbed by the Olympi quaking from shots fired.

I leap to my feet to stand, but John pushes me back down again. He covers my body with his as the stones holding the ship together cracks. Dust particles rain down and blanket us in white dust.

"What the hell! I thought we just talked about this." I scramble to stand, but John latches himself to my leg.

"Janika!" Nuna rushes over, but John halts her with his claws raised, spinning them in the air like drills.

She and Teeno watch helplessly as I try to pry John's hold off me. "What the hell, John!" I scream as the metal digs into my ankle.

To my horror, he leaves the battle, literally dragging me behind.

I try to claw at posts, but it's no use. My hands are slick with sweat and blood. The bodies that reach for me are too injured to be of an assistance. Nuna and Teeno have turned to battle their own enemies.

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