Chapter 13

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3 Person P.O.V.:
That night, Harry didn't have any milk. He just ate a couple of bites of applesauce to give him something in his tummy. It was hard to get him to sleep too. It took Zayn an hour of walking, rocking, and singing just to get Harry settled down enough to lay down quietly. After he was asleep, Harry woke up his daddies three times that night. Marcel only woke up twice with Harry, but that was enough to leave him grumpy the next morning.


At 7:30 that morning, a sleep-deprived Liam and Louis came in to get the boys ready for their doctor's appointment. Needless to say, neither boy was very happy to be woken up at that early hour. Liam and Louis got through it though, they got nappies changed, and teeth brushed through all of the tears from their babies. They were out the door and into the car by 8:15, Liam and Louis deciding to drive to let the boys sleep a little longer; it would also make it easier for Louis if either boy was upset by the appointment to drive home instead of walk.

Liam went into work while Louis let the boys sleep for a while longer in the car in hopes they wouldn't be very fussy for their appointment. Luck wasn't on his side though, as Liam came back out not 30 minutes later to tell them the doctor could see them now.

Liam and Louis gently got a still sleeping Marcel and Harry out of the car and walked into the clinic. Liam went behind the desk and checked the boys in, then took them into Doctor Christensen's examination room. The room was decorated like a jungle with smiling animals all around. Liam and Louis decided to wake up the two little ones while they were waiting for the doctor.

Harry and Marcel were not happy about being woken up. Even though Liam was being gentle with waking Harry up, Harry jolted awake and immediately started screaming which woke Marcel up who started crying. Liam and Louis were trying to calm the boys down, Doctor Christensen decided to walk in.

"Oh my," the doctor exclaimed, "it's way to early to be awake isn't it?"

"It seems to be that way, Steve, " Liam said with a frown.

"Well, let me see the little one and see if I can help. I'm better at this than you Li, " the doctor said with a smirk.

"I am supposed to be his Baba and you think you can do better, " Liam sassed while handing Harry to the doctor.

"Hey, little guy, " Steve, as he is now known to Louis, cooed, "Let's dry up these tears so I can see what is going on in your little tummy! You don't want to feel icky forever and ever right?"

Harry shook his head while sniffing and calming down. He looked up at Doctor Christensen with wide eyes and reached up to touch his face.

"Yeah, does that feel nice, " the doctor asked.

Harry squealed and started clapping his hands.

While Harry started calming down, Marcel turned to look at Doctor Christensen with curious eyes, which didn't go unnoticed by the doctor.

"And what about you little guy, " he asked Marcel, "should we look you and your brother over so you can be happy and healthy little boys?"

Marcel nodded his head while still being half-hidden in Louis' chest.

"Well then, " the doctor said with a friendly smile, " let's begin, shall we? Should we have your Daddy and Baba help you get onto the table? They will need to undress you boys down to your nappies so we can weigh you and see how tall you are!"

Liam and Louis moved the boys to the examination table and started undressing them while Liam started giving his colleague a hard time.

"My kids apparently like you more Steve, " Liam said flatly, but still with a smile.

"All kids like me better than you Liam! That's why I'm the doctor, and you're the nurse, " Steve responded. "Ok Liam, enough about your life problems and onto the boys. Can you weigh Marcel and I can do Harry?"

"Sure thing Steve, " Liam said, "come on Marcel, let's go do the boring stuff while Doctor Christensen weighs Harry."

Liam took Marcel to get his height and weight did while Louis and Doctor Christensen do the same to Harry, only with baby scales and measuring his length, because he is so little.

After they did all of the normal checks of mouth, ears, nose, and eyes, the doctor figured out if Marcel was ever going to be doing any reading, and eventually for every day tasks like eating or playing, he will need glasses.

"Well boys, " the doctor started, "something obviously brought you in here today that I am missing. From what I can tell, Marcel is starting to come down with the flu, but you wouldn't catch it yet unless you were listening to his chest, and I don't think Liam is that overprotective. So, what really brings you in here today?"

"We bought a little formula for Harry and Marcel when we bought supplies for them two days ago, " Louis started, " Marcel loved his and drank it with no fuss. Harry, on the other hand, wouldn't drink his until we added a little cocoa powder to his, and even then he would take breaks from it. He went to sleep normally but woke up in the night needing a nappy change. I changed him and made him a bottle like the night before with the cocoa powder, but I heated it up in hopes of him falling asleep. It worked, but the next day he was getting sick and vomiting all over and he really wanted to sleep, " Louis finished with a frown.

"Well, " the doctor said with a hand on his chin, obviously thinking, " I think Harry might be allergic to something in the formula you are giving him. What type of formula do you give him?"

"We give him Similac, " Liam said.

"Oh, " the doctor with his eyebrows going up, "Harry is a very young little yes?"

Liam and Louis both nodded their heads.

"Young little either need Enfamil or real breastmilk because their stomach can't digest an ingredient found in Similac, " the doctor explained. "We can send you home with some real breastmilk that gets donated by Mummies who don't have littles. We test the milk to make sure that they aren't doing drugs or anything, so it is very safe. Would you like to try that?"

"I think that's a great idea, what do you think Li, " Louis asked.

"I think it sounds good Lou, " Liam agreed. "Would you like me to start the paperwork for you, Steve?"

"Yes, you can go and start it. Start with three bags on the form and we will see how he does on that, " the doctor ordered. "Now, Marcel is also coming down with the flu, so I would like to send him some medicine to see if we can get on top of it before it gets bad. I can get Liam to get that ready after he sorts out the breast milk if you'd like?"

"That would be great doctor, thank you so much, " Louis said with a grateful smile.

Just then Liam returned with the breastmilk and the forms for medicine.

"Ah, Liam, " the doctor exclaimed, "this is why you are my favorite person! You are always one step ahead of me, " he said as he took the papers from Liam and filled them out for Marcel. "Why don't you and Louis take these two out to your vehicle and get that filled on your way out. I'd like an appointment in two weeks to see how Harry is doing on the breastmilk. Liam can set that up for you when you leave. Have a good day Harry and Marcel! Be good boys for your daddies! Hopefully, that works for Harry, Louis. Take care of these boys, they seem very special."

The doctor shook hands with Louis and sent the family on their way.

Liam quickly got everything together and sent Louis and the boys on their way home, armed with breastmilk and medicine to make their boys happy again.

Word Count: 1391

Thank you guys for sticking with me! I have been having a really hard time with life and just needed time. Thanks for being so patient with me! I also think I'm going to start writing shorter chapters so I can get them out to you like I did at first. I'd also like to thank ImCrazyCrackers for helping me with this chapter. If you guys have any ideas, they WILL be welcomed with open arms! Thanks, guys! Happy Thanksgiving/ Black Friday!!!!

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