Chapter 6

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Harry P.O.V.:
Mister Liam told us that we were going to have a bath. I hate baths. The water is always freezing cold because daddy told us that it was our punishment for smelling bad. We got one bath a month and it was always so cold. My fingers turned blue it was so cold. Marcel started nodding, so I did too, until I remembered what bath time was like. Mister Zayn picked me up and Mister Liam picked up Marcel. I started shaking when Mister Liam started running the water. Mister Zayn asked me "what's wrong Little guy? Please tell me so I can make it better."
I looked at him with wide eyes and he looked at me like he wanted to help me. I ran over to Marcel and hid behind him. I tugged on his shirt, he looked at me. I pointed to the water and started whining a little because I was scared of what the water would feel like. He scrunched his eyes together and then his eyes went wide. He started shaking and slowly moved us to the door. Mister Zayn saw us and asked again what was wrong. Marcel spoke up for the both of us, "Please Misters, we won't be bad again. No cold water please, we were good."
Mister Liam and Mister Zayn's eyes went wide. Mister Liam started to talk, but I hid in Marcel's shirt because I was so scared.
"Boys," Mister Liam said, "this water is warm. No bath in this house will ever start cold. It may get cold because you will have played in it for so long, but baths here are warm and fun."
"Yeah," Mister Zayn added on, "we have bubbles and toys and bath crayons. This will be so much fun and neither of us will let anything bad happen to you. We promise, right Li?"
Wait, who is Li? Is it Mister Liam? It must be because he responded to Mister Zayn, "he's right boys, we promise nothing bad will happen to you on purpose here."
Marcel decided to be brave and ask a question that could get him beaten. He asked, "Can we feel the water to make sure Mister Liam and Mister Zayn?"
They both smiled at us, this could be trouble. I decided to speak up to protect Marcel, "please don't hurt him. Hurt me to keep Marcy safe please."
Both of their eyes went wide and Mister Zayn started talking to me. He got down in his knees in front of me and started talking to me.
"Harry, Marcel," he started, "Me, Liam, Louis, and Niall, will never hurt you, or do anything mean to you. We don't even give spankings here because we think that spankings are to tough on Littles like you. You may feel the water and please let us know if it is too hot or too cold. We only want you comfortable here."
I looked at him suspiciously and started walking toward the tub to see if he would stop me. He only smiled at me. All of a sudden, I felt a hand grab mine, I looked to my hand and saw Marcel holding hands with me. We both went to the water and felt it. It felt so nice. I gasped and then Marcel looked at me. He looked to the water, swallowed, and felt the water. His eyes went wide and he gasped as well. Mister Liam, I think, was scared that we didn't like it. He asked us, "does it feel okay boys? We can make it colder or hotter to make it feel better."
I couldn't help but run over to him and hug him. I told him, "it feels nicer than any bath I can remember."
Marcel decided to add on to what I said to make more sense. "We haven't had a warm bath since Mummy died. She died when we were four. Thank you so much for everything you have done for us. This is so special to us."
Mister Liam picked me up and held me to his chest, Mister Zayn did the same to Marcel, Mister Liam told us, "Boys, I can promise you this: You will never have a cold bath again. You will never be hungry again, never cold, never not loved. Louis, Niall, Zayn, and me will love you and care for you to the best of our abilities. Nothing bad will ever happen to you when you are in our care, I promise."
I looked up at Mister Liam in awe. He just promised us something that we haven't had in such a long time. I looked over at Marcel and he was smiling up at Mister Zayn. I looked up at Mister Liam, he was smiling down at me. I smiled back up at him and threw my arms around his neck and buried my face in his neck. I cuddled up to him and could have stayed there forever. Mister Zayn, however; had other plans for Marcel and I.
"Okay boys," he scared us both out of our cuddling session, "let's get this bath taken care of and then we can all cuddle and watch movies and eat some yummy snacks. Sound good babies?"
We both sighed and nodded at him. I turned to look at the bath and gasped and tugged on Mister Liam's shirt. He looked over and yelled, "Zayn the water! It's flooding!"
Mister Zayn set Marcel down and told him not to move. I squirmed to get down while Mister Zayn was shutting off the water. Mister Liam adjusted me because he didn't want me to slip. If he wasn't going to let me help, I guess I'll help from up here. I started wiggling out of my shirt and when I got it off I threw it on the floor to absorb the water. Marcel saw me and started doing the same thing. We got almost all of our clothes off and Mister Liam was just staring at us the whole time. He asked us, "what are you boys doing? Your cloths will get all wet."
I decided to explain to him what was happening, "We gotta get the water off of the floor. It will ruin the house if we don't."
"Oh boys, don't worry about that. We can just call up Louis and Niall to help us clean this while we go to the other bathroom for a bath," Mister Zayn said. Then he called for Mister Niall and Mister Louis. They came up and saw the bathroom and started laughing and saying, "you boys must have been doing something pretty interesting to forget about the the bath! Why don't you go head to the bathroom upstairs for a bath. We'll clean up down here."
"Thank you Lou! We'll get these boys clean. They even tried to help you, look at these clothes."
Mister Liam then picked up our clothes and showed Mister Niall and Louis. They all started laughing at us. Marcel and I both started frowning because we were only trying to help. Mister Niall saw this and started talking to us, "thank you for the help boys. Most boys wouldn't even tried to help and you helped so much! This will make clean up only take around five minutes, right Lou?"
"Right-O Ni," Mister Louis responded, "now, you boys better go get a bath or else all of that dirt will stick to you and turn you into mud monsters!"
"Huh," Marcel and I both gasped. Marcel continued in our line of thought, "we gotta go get clean. May we please go get clean now?"
"Of course," Mister Liam said. Then Mister Zayn scooped up Marcel and we all left the bathroom and headed up the stairs to go get a bath. A much needed bath if I may add. We got upstairs and we got into the bathroom. Mister Zayn set Marcel down and told him he could help find the bath toys for us. We could each pick three. Mister Liam set me down and grabbed the basket of toys. He set it down in front of Marcy and I. Marcel picked a boat, a ducky, and a diving man. I picked a pink ducky, a blue ducky, and an orange and white fishy. When the bath was full, with no overflow this time, Mister Liam and Mister Zayn helped me and Marcy get undressed the rest of the way. They lifted us up and set us in the water. I gasped because the water felt so nice, even after we made it go everywhere downstairs! Mister Zayn asked me, "what's wrong Harry? Is the water too hot or too cold?"
I responded, "no, it still feels so nice, even after the water spilled downstairs!"
"Of course it would," Mister Zayn started, "we told you that you would never have to take a cold bath again and we meant it. We already love you too much to see you suffer like that ever again."
"Thank you Misters Zayn and Liam! This is the best bath ever," I told them. They just smiled sadly and said, before we have to much fun and the water turns cold, how about we get you washed and then you can play with your toys! Marcel and I both nodded at that. They had us tilt our heads back so we didn't get shampoo and conditioner in our eyes, then they had us stand up so they could wash our bodies. Wait a minute, the water is turning brown and yellow. Why is that, could we be turning into mud monsters like Mister Louis said! I needed to know so I decided to ask Mister Zayn, who was washing me.
"Mister Zayn," I started, "the water is brown. Mister Louis said we had to get clean before we turned into mud monsters, but we might be already. Are we really mud monsters now?"
Mister Zayn started laughing at me again and before I could get any sadder he said, "LouLou was just teasing you baby, you can't turn into a mud monster because mud monsters are scary, and you are not scary. You're cute!"
I smiled bashfully and quietly said, "ok, I was just checking to make sure."
He smiled at me and just continued washing me all off. Marcel and Mister Liam we're laughing about something. I don't know what, but before I could find out what they were laughing at, Mister Zayn started cleaning my armpits! It tickled so much I couldn't keep my laughs in. He kept making sure I was extra clean under there. I had to get him to stop so I tried to tell him to stop, "please 'top, 'top! It tickled to much Mi-Mister Zayn!"
"Okay, okay, I'll stop," he said, "for now at least!"
By the time we were clean, the water didn't look like so much fun anymore. It was all brown and I felt like I was walking on sand and rocks under my feet.
"I don't want to play in the water anymore please. I don't like this water anymore. I gotta save the duckies and fishy though before we get out. They might get sick in the water. Is that okay Mister Zayn," I asked.
"Of course baby," he started, "but let's make sure Marcel wants to get out too. We don't want him left alone do we?"
"Uh-uh," I told him.
"Marcy," I turned to Marcel to talk to him, "look at the water, I don't want to play in here anymore, do you?"
Marcel looked down at the water, his eyes went wide and he said, "I don't want to stay either. Do we have to stay in the water any more then?"
"Well," Mister Liam started, "I think we can let it slide. How about we go get you dried off, get you in nappies and jammies, huh? Then we can have a nice night watching movies and having some yummy snacks. How does that sound?"
Marcel and I both told him that sounded great! So Mister Zayn picked me up and Mister Liam picked up Marcel. They carried us back downstairs in towels and said us down on the couches. They started drying us off and tickling us some more. Then they did the same things they did in the family bathroom at the store. It was nothing new, but this time it seemed more relaxed and fun. I don't know why, but it just seemed better. They got nappies on us and picked us up. Mister Louis came in and asked for a cuddle. I raised my arms because I was cold and wanted a cuddle too. We could help each other out like that! Mister Louis smiled at me, walked over to me, and picked me up gently under my head and bottom. He pulled me to his chest with me head cuddles right up to his heart. I could hear it beating in his chest. It sounded so nice, I just closed my eyes and listened to his heart for a while. Eventually, Mister Louis laid me back down. I whined a little bit because I was comfy thank you very much. Mister Louis just shushed me and started explaining to me what he was doing, "Hey, hey little guy. I just want to get you comfy in some jammies so you don't freeze and turn into a Harrycicle! That would be bad wouldn't it baby," he coped at me. I like the voice he was talking to me with, it made me feel safe. I didn't like turning into a Harrycicle though, so I shook my head at him and let him dress me in the footed jammies with the all of the pretty clouds on it. I looked over to find Marcel, and to make sure he didn't leave me, and he was in jammies like mine except his had cars all over it. He saw me and smiled at me, I smiled back. I knew what he was thinking, because I am sure he is thinking the same thing as me: We are the luckiest boys alive. We went from being hit and unloved to being loved and cuddled. What more could we ask for? I couldn't think of anything except maybe a drink, but that could wait. Mister Louis zipped up the jammies and smiled down at me. I smiled back at him and made grabby hands at him because I still wanted to cuddle. He started chuckling and scooped my back up and he held me like before. I could really get used to this, it's so nice to cuddle and be warm. I was so comfy with Mister Louis, I started falling asleep. As I was just about to sleep, Mister Louis started bouncing me and telling me that I had to stay awake. I whined a little and squirmed around because I wanted to sleep. He laughed and told me that I needed to stay awake for a few more hours because if I slept now, I wouldn't sleep tonight. I looked up at him with a pout, he laughed at me and said, "how about you and me go get some snacks and drink for everyone for movie night. Maybe if we get some healthy snacks we can eat those for dinner tonight."
With my eyes half closed, I nodded at him. He chuckled and asked, "should Ni or Zee help us?"
I nodded and sleepily said, "Miser Ni can hewp us."
Mister Louis chuckled and set me down and said, "why don't you go ask him to help us? He would love to hear your pretty voice again love."
I nodded and walked over to Mister Niall, well I waddled over to him because this nappy is really thick. Mister Niall saw me and crouched down to my height and smiled at me, "hey sweetie, what can I do for you?"
"Do you wan' help get snacks and drinks with me and Miser Lou-we," I asked him, while rubbing my eyes.
He laughed, picked me up, threw me in the air, caught me and said, "of course I will help you. Just know that I have to sample everything we make."
I laughed and smiled at him, "thas okay with me Miser Niall."
He put me on his back and told me "hold on tight baby," he then started bouncing me on his back into the kitchen. I was giggling so much I didn't think I could ever stop. It was great, I haven't laughed this much in a long time. I must have been laughing too much though because that's when I felt it. I started pottying and I couldn't stop it. I immediately stopped any form of laughing and gasped.
Mister Louis saw thins and asked me, "what's wrong baby? How can we help get that giggly boy back?"
I started opening and closing my mouth because I didn't know how to respond. I didn't know if I was supposed to go potty in my nappy. I started having trouble breathing normal and started crying because I was so scared. Mister Niall and Mister Louis both got wide eyes and started panicking. Mister Louis picked me up and started rocking me and saying things like: it's okay baby, tell me what's wrong, we can't help if we don't know, and you won't be hurt if you tell us what's wrong. As he was bouncing and rocking me, he started patting the nappy. He all of a sudden stopped and cuddled me closer he started talking to me, "oh sweet boy you don't need to cry about this. It is a good thing you used it. We are so proud of you baby, you're such a good boy! No more tears please, you're so good!"
Mister Niall understood what happened. He started talking to me too, "sweet boy you are so so so good! No more tears, you're going to make me cry if you keep crying like this. How about we go get you changed out of that nappy so you don't get an icky rash?"
He took me from Mister Louis and I whined and reached out to him, but Mister Niall shushed me. He told me, "LouLou already got to change you sweetie, how about you and me go get this handled, then you can cuddle with Louis some more huh?"
I kept crying, but I still cuddled up to him to try and calm down he bounced me and cooed at me, but I wasn't settling down. My bottom started stinging and it hurt! Marcel heard me, because he gasped and wiggled our if Mister Liam's arms and ran over to me. He kept asking Mister Niall questions like: what happened to Harry, why is he crying, is he gonna be okay, can I help? Mister Niall just shook his head and told Marcel, "he's just got a wet nappy babe, I'll got get him cleaned up and then he'll be happy again, but thank you for offering to help!"
"Ok," Marcel said, then he decided to add to that, "but if you need help, you can let me know. I won't mind helping out."
Mister Niall smiled, told him he would, and carried me into the, now dry, bathroom. He laid me down on a very soft towel and started undressing me and talking to me. He said, "alright baby, we're just going to get you out of these jammies and then we can get you out of that nappy, it must be very uncomfortable."
I nodded because it really was. My bottom feels like it's on fire!
"Oh I know you poor, poor baby. Well, let's get you out of it then," he said.
He undid the nappy and peeled it back. It was so cold, I started going potty again! Mister Niall gasped and covered me up again with the nappy and said, "oh my! I guess you weren't done. That or you just wanted to give me a sneak attack! Cheeky boy!"
I started shyly giggling because he was being so silly! Once I was done, he took the nappy off again. Then he took a wipe, at least I think it was called a wipe, and started cleaning me off. He was very careful about it. He cleaned my bits, bum, and even wiped in my crack. I didn't like that, so I started whimpering. He shushed me and told me he was almost done. Then he lifted my legs up and put a clean nappy underneath me. He then opened up the powder and sprinkled it all over my bottom and bits. Finally, he taped up the clean nappy and gave me a kissy on my belly button. I laughed because that tickled. He smiled softly at me and put me back in the soft jammies. He told me to lay still while he cleaned up. He threw away the old nappy and wipes, then he washed his hands and picked me up again. He carried me back into the kitchen where Mister Louis was making some snacks. I wiggled in Mister Niall's arms to get down. He put me down and I quietly went behind Mister Louis and hugged him! He jumped and turned around! Then he picked me up, hugged me close and started tickling me while saying, "you cheeky boy! You scared me! And you just wanted a hug!" Finally he stopped tickling me. Then he continued, "how about we continue to make some snacks and drinks then?"
I nodded and he set me on the counter. We made a whole tray full of snacks and another tray of drinks. For snacks we had apples, oranges, bananas, broccoli, peppers, chips, and some meat stick thingys. For drinks we had four cups, two sippy cups, apple juice, orange juice, grape juice, water, and lemonade. Mister Louis said we needed a variety so that everyone has something they like. Mister Louis told me to stay put on the counter while he and Mister Niall took the trays into the living room. I stayed there for about two minutes, then they came back. We cuddled on the couch with everyone for the rest of the night until bedtime. Mister Louis made sure I ate some broccoli and fruits so that I had all of my nutrients for the day, whatever those are, and he made me drink a cup of apple juice. When it was 8:30 on the clock, we had just finished a movie about a fishy who traveled to 42 Wallaby Way in Sydney. I don't know where that is so I asked Mister Zayn, who I was cuddling with, where it was. He chuckled and told me it was very far away from where we were. He said it would take a whole day to get there by airplane! That's really far away! After that movie, Mister Louis said it was time to get ready for bed. He picked up Marcel while Mister Zayn picked me up. They took us upstairs and helped us brush our teeth. They checked out nappies to make sure we would be comfortable tonight. Marcel's was wet, so Mister Louis changes him quick while Mister Zayn asked me if I needed to potty before bed. I told him no, so he said ok. When we were both ready for bed, Mister Liam walked in and told us, "we don't have cribs for you boys yet, so you will have to sleep with us for tonight. Is that alright lovies?"
Marcel and I both nodded because neither of us wanted to be away from them ever again. Mister Liam smiled and picked me up in his left arm, while Mister Louis set Marcel in his right arm. He is so strong! He can carry me and Marcy! He took us into a bedroom with a ginormous bed! It could fit about one hundred of me in it! Mister Niall was already under the covers, he saw us and smiled at us. He opened his arms and said, "Marcel, would you like to cuddle with me for a little bit until everyone else gets here?" Marcel nodded so Mister Liam set him in Mister Niall's arms. He then laid down and cuddled me into his bare chest. He was so warm, and I could hear his heartbeat like with Mister Louis! I started to fall asleep, however; I was rudely awoken when Mister Louis and Zayn came in and cuddled up with us in bed. I started to tear up because I was scared. Mister Liam got up and started bouncing me while telling me it was okay.
"Shh shh little guy, I know LouLou and Zaynie are so scary. It's ok, let's just go to sleep okay?"
I sniffled and nodded, then I cuddled into his warm chest once again. After that, I fell asleep almost immediately. This was so nice!

Word Count: 4186

Extra long chapter for me not updating in forever!!! Enjoy!!!

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