Chapter 2

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10 years later

It was bright, very bright, and Harry wasn’t use to it. It was nothing like he had ever seen before. For the Cheshire boy this was a whole new world. He was awestruck as he left Los Angeles International Airport. He was heading to his new life, and his new home.. UCLA

When Harry finally arrived at his dorm he sat down his belongings, and plopped down on one of the beds. His roommate had not yet arrived, so Harry got to choose which side of the room he wanted, and Harry being his normal self, chose the more comfortable to the two beds thinking to himself “my roommate will have to deal with the lumpy bed” .

As Harry started unpacking his belonging he heard a voice.

“Hello, you must be my roommate, my name is Liam.” He said extending his hand to Harry.

“Hi! I’m Harry” eagerly shaking Liam’s hand excited that his roommate was a fellow brit.

“So where are you from?” Liam asked.

“Cheshire, How about you?”

”Wolverhampton.”  said Liam.

Throughout the rest of the conversation, the two boys continued to unpack their belongings, and getting to know each other, and occasionally making fun of the other for having their teddy bear, or beloved Buzz light-year toy. Finally harry was at the end of his unpacking, with one final object, probably his most cherished possession, A photo of Niall and him. Harry had never forgotten about his friend, infact he thought about Niall all the time. He often wondered how their life would have been if Niall hadn’t moved.

“Who is that in the picture?” Liam asked.

“Oh that’s Naill and I, when we were little.” Harry said.

“Niall I’m guessing is your brother?”

“No.” said Harry.

“Niall is.. well was my best friend. He moved to Cheshire, when we were four, and went to the same daycare as me. We instantly became best friends. Then when we were 8 his parents divorced, and Niall ended up having to move back to Ireland.”

“Do you ever hear from him, like by phone or on facebook?”

“We kept in contact for maybe a year after he moved, but then the letters stopped. I often wonder why, because I sure do miss him. I have never had another friend like him. He was my rock.” Harry said quiet emotionally

“Well have you ever looked for him on facebook?” Liam asked.

“I don’t have a facebook. We never had a computer until my parents got me one for college, they had heard about a thing called skype, and thought it would be a good way to stay in touch with them. So now they even have one.

“Damn, you need to make one. Who knows maybe he’s been looking for you on there” Liam stated.

“Maybe, but right now that’s the least of my worries, I just want to do good this semester.”

Harry looked at the picture for a moment thinking to himself “I wonder what Niall is doing right now, and could I possibly find him on this facebook thing.”

I’m Hungry. Do you wanna go get something to eat?” Harry asked.

“Sure! I’m Starving”

The new friends left their dorm in search of the cafeteria, and to explore their new world.

Friendship Never Ends: Narry Saga Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora