Chapter 1 - mystery man

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The thoughts I think on a dreaded Monday morning are trying to get out of the house before my auntie wakes up and trying to avoid the school bullies Megan, Lucy and worst of all Susan.

As I was walking to the coffee shop I kept thinking about how lucky all the girls are in the books I read they always end up meeting the man of their dreams but that's all just a crazy dream right.


The sound of a gun had went of I could barely move it's as if I had frozen into place all I could hear was gun shot after gun shot after gunshot until I heard a mans voice.
'Are you okay?'
I didn't reply. I was in to much shock from what had just happened. I had my eyes closed since the first gunshot but just the sound made me tremble in fear.

This man is still talking to me but I couldn't hear what he was saying just the mumbling of his voice. It sounded so deep and mysterious but calming at the same time but there also was also dominance in his voice.

My eyes were still closed and I had refused to open them, but when he decided to pick me up and walk away with me that's when I became alert and decided to open my eyes he was wearing this mask all I could see was the darkness in his eyes.

Now alert at what was happening I started screaming and kicking this man but he didn't even flinch.

He pulled me around a corner and looked me up and down then told me to not mention anything I saw than ran away...

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