Chapter 5

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I was woken up by the beeping sound. I was surrounded by strange machines which had screens showing some numbers and a wave.
Strange enough was my hand was injected to a pipe that directed inside me.

Beside me was my mom. Teary.

“Why are you crying? ” was all a dry mouth could ask.

“Your sister..." She said before she could break into tears.

“Where is Hanna?” my heart raced.

“Dead!” she shouted as if releasing a hidden anger.

Everything around me crumbled. My head was at the edge of bursting. My body weakened and ached more. But wait, there were no tears

My heart was just tired. My life felt vestigial.

Then something caught my attention

Blood on my dress!


Its been a week since the incident in the hospital. I was taken by mother and she said the judge ordered  my father never to see me. I looked on the mirror hating the girl who looked at me.

Just then my mom came inside my room to see if I was ready for the family gathering her boyfriend has organized.

“Is walking still painful? " she asked plaiting my unruly hair.

I nodded.

“the pain will eventually fade. Be thankful the disgrace doesn't show on your face. No man would want to marry a disgraced woman" she said as she finished.

Why was the disgrace not pointed to my cousin who caused this pain?

My mom after a few seconds pulled my hand and walked me to the living room. She showed me a couch to sit on and I obeyed her order. I sat looking around people who would stop whispering at my glance.

If only I had a chance to see my sister's smile once more, not through a glass where the photo frame felt cold  but through her warm face which was accompanied by a comforting marshmallow scent.

I looked around and noticed how my mom was busy trying to set the table. One could see how tired she was the way her hands would tremble over the plates, her eyes sleepy and her shoulders sloppy

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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