Chapter Fourteen - James

Comincia dall'inizio

"I dunno, I just don't think that it's a good idea to date someone in your friend group but then again you do really like each other, it's up to you."

"Remember when you said it's not a good idea to date someone in your friend group?" asks Amelia.

Oh shit.

"Did I say that?"

Amelia gives me a look.

"Okay, I admit, I said that."

"Do you have something to tell me?"

I feel so bad. I completely forgot about that until she reminded me.

"I'm a hypocrite. I'm a terrible person."

She bursts into laughter, "I'm messing with you."


"Yes, I couldn't care less about it, it was so long ago. I'm happy for you two," she says, gesturing at Guy and I.

Guy turns to face me, "I shouldn't have told them, they'll tease us forever now."

I chuckle, "It's worth it."

"You two are so cute," says Tessa.

Guy, blushes, "We are. But enough about us. How's Ava?"

Amelia looks down at her food, "She's good."

Guy raises his eyebrows.



Amelia glares at him and he turns to me, "Care to go for a walk?"

He's up to something, and I'd like to find out what.


Once we get far enough away from the tables I ask, "What's going on?"

"I don't know, that's why we're going to find Ava."

"You sure this is a good idea? We probably shouldn't meddle."

"You say that like Amelia hasn't meddled in our love lives."

"Good point."

"Besides, Ava is cool. I never get the chance to hang out with her."

"Another good point."

"I know."

I shake my head, Guy can be so cocky sometimes, yet somehow it doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as it should.  I reach for his hand.

He hesitates for a moment before intertwining his fingers with mine.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says, looking around.

"It's okay if you don't want people to see us holding hands."

"No, I was worried that you didn't want people to see."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I know you're out but it wasn't on your own terms and not many people know. I would totally understand if you didn't want anyone else finding out."

"Thanks for your concern but if you're okay with it then so am I. We're lucky to live where we do, most people are accepting. There are always going to be people who will have issues with it but who gives a fuck what they think, right?"

A massive grin spreads across Guy's face when he hears me swear, "Right."

We continue walking but are interrupted, "Fancy seeing you here, James."

Shut Up (Boy×Boy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora