I can't lose you

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It had started with a small lump. You had been in the shower for some post loving clean up and were affectionately running the loofa over Chris' arms as he was doing the same to your breasts when his face changed.

"Babe, is this... normal?" He asked with concern painted all over his face. You screwed up your face and brought your hand to your left breast where you felt what had caused his concern. A small, pea sized lump caught your attention and caused your body to flood with fear. How long had this been here? As if he had read your mind Chris got out of the shower wrapping a towel around himself and holding one out for you. You stepped out in silence and walked into the towel which he wrapped around you with ease and held you tight.

"I'm sorry. I should have approached it differently." He apologised. You couldn't absorb what he had said as you were too busy in your own mind trying to calm down your nerves.

That night you tossed and turned knowing that first thing in the morning you were going to call and get a doctors appointment to check everything out. By the time the sun began to shine through your curtains your eyes hurt with exhaustion and the anxiety in your chest felt like there was an elephant sitting on top of you. You tried to act normal, you both did. Little did you know Chris had been up the whole night as well thinking of the worst case scenario. You gave empty smiles to each other over coffee and he held your hand as you phone the doctor. You explained the urgent need for an appointment and they were happy to accomodate you. You called in sick to work and Chris went with you to the doctors.

The rest of your morning was a blur. You remember the doctor feeling the lump and them sending you for an urgent scan. You were uncomfortable during the test but you couldn't focus on what the technicians were saying. Chris recalled them saying the results should be in by that afternoon so you two decided to spend the rest of the day doing everything you could to keep your mind off it.

You cuddled on the couch as you read books but after reading the same page over and over you decided it wasn't working. Next you tried taking a walk but the new families filled you with fear as you worried you may never get to experience that. Upon returning home you and Chris sat on your bed unable to begin a conversation. Dodger ran up to you and begged for attention but you were both so emotionally drained you felt like you couldn't do more than just give him a little scratch behind the ears.

Suddenly you felt the bed begin to shake. You turned to look at Chris and saw him with his head in his hands, sobbing like there was no tomorrow. Without a second thought you wrapped your arms around him and held him close.

"I'm so sorry!" He cracked out between sobs. "I shouldn't be crying. We don't know anything. I'm sure it's fine!"

You watched as the man you adored tried to keep strong for you, tried to hide his pain and anguish. It hurt but you knew why he was doing it. You two had been through so much together in your years. You had been through the good and the bad, or so you had thought. The last 12 hours had been the worst you had ever experienced and yet you had a feeling that the worst was yet to come.

"I'm sorry Chris..." You didn't realise it but you two had begun to cry. The pain and uncertainty of the past day had begun to leave it's mark. You cried into each others arms and wished upon your lucky stars that everything would be okay.

"I can't lose you..." Chris whispered as if the idea was too hard to even contemplate. The idea horrified you. Chris knew that if he were to lose you he would no longer live his life the way he had been since you got together. He would live a cursed, half life. One not worth living.

In the midst of your tears and your thoughts your phone began to ring next to you. You looked at it seeing the name of your doctor flash upon the screen. Chris released you from the hug you had you in and instead held your hand. You picked up the phone, gulped back your tears and answered.

"Hello?" You said with fear marking your voice.

"Hi Y/N, It's Dr Smith. Your results have arrived..."

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