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Estimado, Crush

"En primer lugar yo soy un chico. Yo sé que en la sociedad que saliendo con el mismo género es extraño. Yo creo que es la naturaleza de las cosas. Yo no te puedo decir, que soy yo, porque va a ser raro si rechazarme. Pero te puedo decir que soy agradable y divertido. Me gustas porque eres linda !!! pero no eso no es por qué me gustas. (un poco) Me gustas porque eres misterio y chistos.

Dear, Crush

" First of all I'm a guy. I know that in society that dating the same gender is strange. I believe that it is nature to those things. I can't tell you who am I because its going to be awkward if you reject me. But I can tell you that I'm nice and funny. I like you because you are cute!!! but no thats not why I like you.(a little)your funny and mysterious.
Secret admire

My two friends gave it to my crush.
They took too long so i was worried, my friend told me that he said thanks but I'm not gay.
I was heartbroken, i thought he was gay because I saw him hug and kiss a guy. Did he use that excuse to reject me or is he not open? I ripped the love note like he ripped my heart.

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