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Dear, Crush

" First of all I'm a guy. I know that in society that dating the same gender is strange. I believe that it is nature to those things. I can't tell you who am I because its going to be awkward if you reject me. But I can tell you that I'm nice and funny. I like you because your funny and adorable.

Its your choice to decide but beauty does not signify. If you have an answer then tell it to my messenger who gave the letter to you. Don't say yes just for pitty."


Secret Admire

I gave my love letter to my friend and ask her if she can give to Adrian. She nodded

I saw my friend giving the love letter to Adrian. Then as he opens it his friend reads it with him.( WTF why do their friend always fucking reads with them. -_-) I saw Adrian's face smiling but he shakes his head.

My friend came to me and told me "No he's taken"

I was in shock. I think throughly and it came up to me. He's dating Moem. That bitch stole my man!!!

At night I took out a pen and a paper.

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