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Dear, Crush

" First of all I'm a guy. I know that in society that dating the same gender is strange. I believe that it is nature to those things. I can't tell you who am I because its going to be awkward if you reject me. But I can tell you that I'm nice and funny. I like you because you are cute!!! but no thats not why I like you.(a little) I like you because people says that your funny and nice guy. I love nice and funny guys. Your also cute again. You play soccer right?

If you have an answer then say it to my messenger. This relationship could be a secret if your not open or even starting.


Secret Admire"

I writing this at lunch and went to my friend who have a crush but I don't admitted to him because I pretend I hate him. So I ask him if he give it to him and he nodded. I was scared what will Daniel will do or react. Like I said that its sooo annoying when a friend reads it. He reads it and smiles. He was blushing. Is this a good sign?! should I be prepare for the answer. My friend came back with a small grin and shaking his head left-right.

" You know James you should stop giving love letters to straight guys because I don't think no one will accept you." he said

I gave him a serious look.

" Im almost finish but there is someone who will say yes and they look cuter."

At night I wrote another love letter.

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