The Strange Couple

Start from the beginning

During his search on his first day, second, third and now fourth, paranormal groups would pop up too. Some were advertisements and others were reports about their findings, which were kind of advertisements in their own way. The information was frustrating due to the group of kids, who were a mockery of the groups online, and because it reminded him of that human: the one who he had promised to torture and kill.

It still pissed him off that the male and one of his colleagues had helped his partner out of Castle Lake. Perhaps, they never would've encountered Callest if that hadn't happened, but that thought also pointed out that if he just had ended the game, (f/n) wouldn't be in his clutches either. Back then, though, he hadn't wished to end the game except for when he first had encountered her after the amusement park. His anger and jealously had gotten the better of him.

After she had calmed him down, though, he desired to keep it going, give her more chances. It bought him time, and it kept up appearances. Combing his right fingers through his locks, he released a sigh at it all before he clicked on the next location. His eyes scanned over the information, and the deserted mansion seemed like it might fit, but it also was a tourist attraction with high ratings. He doubted that it would receive such reviews unless Callest or another one of his kind, if there were any more, had managed somehow to write those different reviews himself.

But since he found video footage of humans entering and leaving in one piece online, he doubted that to be the case. Again, he could be wrong, but he still was marking the location as a low possibility. Tourists or not, Callest didn't want to draw attention to (f/n) or him, and he imagined that his partner wasn't exactly being quiet during her captivity with Callest. The thought made his stomach clench dreadfully, and he pushed out any images of torture scenes from his mind.

Closing the information about the mansion, he went to click on a new link until his eyes fell upon another paranormal group. He would've skipped over it since he didn't have the patience for one presently, but he paused upon seeing a familiar name in the description below: Nick Calamiss. The creature wanted to ignore it, but he didn't move the arrow. Rather, it stayed hovering over the link to the website: Paranormal Inquiries.

His right index finger tapped the side of the laptop slightly. He didn't know what to do. Much to his irritation, (f/n) knew Nick better than he did, but he seemed ... capable. After all, he had survived his wrath twice, but the human did have (f/n)'s help. Still, he deserved some credit for sneaking his little helper out of that amusement park. And, he had more knowledge about abandoned locations. Maybe, the human only investigated haunted areas, but those tended to be deserted locations. Some probably were like that tourist mansion, but others most likely were lesser known or were just too dangerous to enter without the right equipment.

Personally, he did wonder why her parents hadn't mentioned him before as a possible source, but he figured also that they didn't want to drag someone else into the huge mess. Either that or they had forgotten about the human male in all their worry. But, the truth was that they required more aid. They could formulate a massive list of all of the locations Callest and (f/n) could be, but searching them would be ... Well, things just weren't in their graces.

There also was the simple fact that Nick had researched his species before. He found a legend about them, which was the truth, as well as old police reports. Nick knew how to navigate such information better even if he hated to admit it. Sure, he may have known about the pregnancy on his own, but that was because of his grandfather, and that man wasn't exactly around anymore. As much as he'd love to torture him to get more details out of him, the creature again didn't wish for his grandfather to behold the world again.

Despite his own will to resist that option, his mind practically was yelling at him to click on the link. And, it wasn't like he could call Nick again. Most likely, he had changed his number. In fact, he did know that because he had tried calling the male just to mess with him back during those seven months with (f/n). A little prank here and there had entertained him at points when (f/n) hadn't been available.

Perhaps now, though, he could call him ... if he had to. His site might give him enough information. Hopefully, it did because he really didn't want to resort to contacting the male directly. Working with him wasn't exactly on his agenda, but he would if he had to for (f/n)'s sake even if he'd much rather rip the human's head off.

With great reluctance, he clicked on the link and watched the website load up. The homepage had pointless information and talked about the team and their past experience. He noted that there were no pictures posted of the crew. Probably, it was a safety matter enforced by Nick. At least, he was that smart. There was a page, though, that listed examples of some their past work, which could hold potential.

Moving to that page, he scrolled over the locations. Some, he had found on his own, and others were new. Those ones he wrote down, and he marked whether they had a low or high chance of success. Each of them was in a different region too, which only added to the difficulty of learning where (f/n) was, especially since the high potential ones were in farther out spots.

Finished with the page, his optics diverted to another link on the website: availability. Curious, he hit the link, and when the page loaded on screen, he read the hours that someone could email them. There was no call number, and they requested certain info to be listed in the email, such as name/company name, location, details of events happening there, etc. That didn't catch his focus too much. No, it was something else on the page that caught his attention, and he read over it multiple times to ensure that he was reading it right.

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