Chapter nine

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I'm back! Here's this weeks chapter!
"Kyubi talking"
'Kyubi thinking'
"Normal speech"
'Normal thinking'
(Authors note)

-Next day-

Third POV-

The Hatake household was once again bathed in sounds of childish joy. Kakashi and Naruto were hat the dinning table waiting for Sakumo to come back from his daily check in with the Hokage.

In that time the two kids had planned and cleared up quite a bit of things.


Naruto woke up from the best sleep she's had in... who knows how long the war lasted and woke up Kakashi at the same time.

He grumbled and whined (like a puppy she thought absentmindedly) but sat up anyway.

"What is even goi- *yawn*-ng on?" he asked her sleepily.

She chuckled sadly and spoke up, "Our world was at its end, dummy. All our- everyone was... they were you know dead. What else was there to do? Give up? You know I can't do that, dattebayo.". She continued with a wide and empty look that he thought didn't suit her current appearance, "Remeber how back in the, how would I put it, good old days. I found the scroll of forbidden justus?".

"Yeah, but saying good old days makes us sound like old farts (or boomers). I'll have you know I was at the top of my shape." Kakashi said with a sad smirk.

Naruto shook her head in silent laughter. She then put a hand on her hip and raise a brow, "Well do you know that technically being at the top of your shape meant that all that's left is going down hill?".

He spluttered and gaped at her.

"Anyway we're getting off track. After I stole the scroll I didn't only learn the shadow clone jutsu. I had also memorized the other stuff, but I never had the time to learn them."

He filled in the gaps easily, "Meaning that they weren't essential yet or the conditions weren't being met right?". She nodded her head, "For the timetravel jutsu to function it needed the user to be desperate and a LOT of blood. All the conditions were met and you were sent back in time, since I transferred the final hand sign to you. Fortunately or not depends at how you look at it, my chakra attached itself to you and transported me as well.".

Flashback end-

Kakashi finished eating and taped Naruto's shoulder. She turned around.

"I think we should set in some rules. We should be allowed to change things as we like but no we also have to make sure no one dies as repercussion. We should also have a small list of people we want to tell and when." He explained, she nodded.

"Per exemple, Hiruzen, who else should we tell?" He looked in thought but that didn't stop Naruto from tackling him of his chair and yelling.


Yay! I got in some explanations, sorry if it wasn't very interesting. Please comment if it felt useful or not?


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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