Chapter 5

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(My POV)
After I had eaten I started to get sleepy. I suppose because I wasn't really a 19-year-old anymore and I was a newborn cub now I would get tired much faster and easier.

Barnacles: Hehe all right time for bed Emma.

He said as he went to get a basket for me to sleep in. Once he got a basket for me to sleep in he put me down on the bed so he could set it up. Though I was actually being a little stubborn, I started to whine once he put me down because I didn't really want to be without him, Like a father and daughter thing. Once he has the basket ready he picked me up and began to hum as he rocked me to sleep. I soon got too tired to stay awake and I let slumber take control.

Barnacles: good night Emma, I love you.

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