Oh, Danny

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Plasmius was quickly flying home as fast as he could. He was in his office at work when his phone went off alerting him of a fire at his home. Vlad hoped that his Little Badger was safe since he's at home. They had even recently gone from going out to being lovers. "DANIEL, ARE YOU ALRIGHT!" Vlad called out to his lover as the castle burned down in the background when he saw his Little Badger.

He was worried about his young lover who was shaking with fear "What on earth could have happened?" Vlad asked as a black ring formed around his middle splitting in two that moved in opposite directions turning corpse blue skin to pale white, black hair in the shape of horns to white long hair in a low ponytail, and a white suit with a cape into a black suit and tie. Vlad watched his Little Badger noticing he was paler than usual as he shook he tried to stammer out. "I-I sa-saw someth-thing." Daniel weakly tried with a very shaky voice. "What? What was it?" Vlad asked curiously with a worried frown as he took Daniel's shoulders gently as he hunched over a bit making sure he could see eye to eye with Daniel.

"I-I s-saw a sp-spider." Vlad looked dumbfounded more than he had ever thought possible as he his hands dropped to the side, and straightened up as the words repeated in his head. When he finally registered them, Vlad couldn't help but facepalm "Little Badger couldn't you have killed it like a normal person." He groaned as his hand slowly slid down his face. "B-but I think I-I killed it plus what if i-it d-didn't work then wh-what!" Daniel argued still a bit shaken up, then call someone to kill it, it's not that hard." Daniel opened his mouth to argue back until any argument died on his tongue and he squeaked, he'll never admit it or he'll say it was a very manly squeak, then jumped at Vlad.

Vlad, luckily, caught his Little Badger as he yelled "SPIDER!!" Vlad looked down where his Little Badger was pointing and was met with a tiny little black dot that was crawling around the ground. Vlad decided to get rid of the pest and stepped on it taking care of the spider. "There the spider is dead, Daniel now will you calm down." Vlad deadpanned as he opened his arms causing Daniel to fall onto the grass with a yelp until Vlad kneeled down in front of Daniel and gave him a kiss on the cheek chuckling a bit. Daniel huffed out a "Fine." And Vlad started to make arrangements for a new house to be built making sure if they could possibly make it fireproof.

AN-If you don't know I did the story in Vlad's POV, but still in third person so that's why Danny is called Daniel.

Oh, DannyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora