Part 1 [rewritten]

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I woke up out of my light sleep again. My eyes were dull and my blonde hair was a mess, and the thick gel of which I had caked it in had smeared itself all over my pillow. I yawned and put on my glasses. I disliked them so much, they were SpongeBob and I was embarrassed to wear them in public. I couldn't get to sleep properly at all. I kept having a strange dream and I did not like it at all. I could not get it out of my head; it was stuck there haunting me. I was afraid to close my eyes, afraid I would dream it again. I guess you could say that I have an over active imagination but I kind of like it ... sometimes. I sat in my bed for a while, but soon my eyelids shut over and the dream started back.

I was running through a mighty forest. My clothes were rugged and my hands were bloody and scraped. I could hear blood-curdling screams in the distance, and it only made me run faster. I was dizzy and stumbling over the roots and bark, and I the mud had splattered all over me. I heard her, I knew it was her, she was screaming again. She sounded in so much pain. Soon I saw a light, a shining bright light and I knew I was nearly there. I saw her, my girl, the one I loved more than anything lying on the ground. Blood surrounded her little frail body and her skin was chalked white. I stroked her cold cheek, and I was crying silently. My voice was croaky but I managed to whisper, "Justice, I love you." However, there was only silence. My true love was dead.

I woke up in pain and my elbow was in agony. I was confused for a moment but then I realised I had fallen out of the bed again. It happened once or twice every week and had occurred since I was very small. I was pretty accident prone, and it was surprising that I had never broken a bone yet. (I say yet because I have probably jinxed it now - darn)

My thoughts had wandered off again, which they always did, but I suddenly remembered my horrific dream. With that thought, and the horrifying pictures of my worst nightmare, I began screaming for some unknown reason and tears involuntarily poured down my face. I hated those dreams. It was so horrible and every moment felt real. For the second time that night, I cursed my over active imagination.

I had been having those peculiar nightmares for weeks now and I just wished they would stop. It was strange though, I felt as if my dreams were trying to tell me something. I'm not exactly a believer in all that "dream analyzing" rubbish, (which was surprising really, seeing as I'm quite superstitious) but I honestly believed that I was being warned about something. If anything good has come from these nightmares, it is that I have become so much more protective of Justice.

I cannot bear to be away from her for more than a little while; it pains me very much so. My heart numbs when we are apart and my legs get all jelly when she is alone. I fear for her, day and night, and I cannot even begin to imagine what would happen if she was to get hurt or if I was to lose her. Somehow, I do not think I would ever forgive myself. I wished I could tell her how much I love her, but I was so sure she would not feel the same way back. Awe, love is so complicated sometimes, I thought sadly.

 I wondered if Justice was okay and I decided to go and check on her. I liked to check on her often, and I tried to use any sort of excuse just to see her pretty face one more time. I got up out of my bed and stepped as quietly as I could in to my slippers (which were also SpongeBob, and yet again they were an utter embarrassment to me). I tiptoed softly across the creaky, dust covered floorboards (wow they really needed a wash), trying hard not to wake up my roommate Dustin. Really, he should be my room "enemy" instead of "mate" as we did not get along very well at all and argued constantly about very trivial things. There was a constant tension between us, a dodgy sort of atmosphere, and it always got worse when I teased him. He was a good few years younger than I was; I think he is eight or nine, although I am not very sure. You would think that he would respect me, being a teenager and all but apparently not. He did not like his name that much and I only made it worse for him by nicknaming him "Dusty" or "Dustbin". I laughed at the thought of this.

The floorboards creaked rather loudly, and "Dustbin" stirred a little, but luckily, he did not wake up fully. I snuck out of our bedroom, feeling like a spy on a top-secret mission as I did so, and in to the hallway. It was still dark, though not pitch black any more, and I had to be most careful of where I was going, since the little ones always seemed to be leaving their toys around the place, just wanting me to trip up on them. It was unfair!

The girl's bedrooms were directly across the hall from the boy's rooms, so it was not too much of a journey, thank goodness. I reached Justice's room (which was a typical Barbie room, disgusting I know, with bright pink walls and stuffed animals and dolls everywhere), which she shared with a horrible, stuck-up, snob like girl called Raina who, unfortunately for me had a giant crush on me. I opened the door quietly, being extra careful not to wake either of them up. I was very grateful to find both girls sound asleep. I raised an eyebrow inquisitively when I peered over and saw Raina sleeping with her mouth wide open, and her nose resembling that of a pig, which was most undignified. I walked over to Justice's bed and she looked like a princess sleeping there. I resisted the urge to give her a quick kiss but instead I stroked her cheek and kissed her nose gently before saying, "I love you Justice." She did not wake up, but she mumbled in her sleep. It was so cute and as I walked out of her room satisfied, I thought to myself, it is so easy to fall in love.


Just to let everyone know, I don't mind people suggesting ideas to make my story better but if you don't like the fact that it's got different people's points of views then don't bother commenting to tell me you don't like it. It's pointless because I'm not going to change it now, as this is a style that I am trying out. If think this is just me being awkward, then read a Mary Higgins Clark book and you will see what I mean, because she uses this style quite a lot and not many people find her work boring, as she is a famous author. Also, watch an episode of Lost and you will see what I am trying to say, because they use the sort of style that I am trying to use. So again, don't tell me you don't like the style that I write in, because this is my first time trying it out and I thought it was going quite well, and I'm definitely not going to change it now for you, just because you find it boring or confusing or hard to read okay? Sorry, I'm just getting quite sick of people commenting saying they dislike the style I have chosen to write this particular story in.

Apart from that, I would really appreciate it if you would vote, tweet, comment (only nice ones though) and please become a fan of me. Thanks!

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