Chapter 8: Invitation

Start from the beginning

"No, Ahana is already stressed out with events at her own place. I can't give her more stuff to do."

Khushi finally realized why she was summoned to the coffee shop. "Before you ask, let me make it clear that I am not going to-"

"But I am asking Khush," Vihaan cut in desperately. "I need your help! I can't figure all this out by myself! The wedding is less than a month away and I don't even know what I will be wearing!"

Khushi pressed her lips, not knowing what to say. Her brother was reasonable in his demand, no doubt, but did he not understand why she was being reluctant?

"Please Khushi," he said after a few minutes. "I wouldn't ask if I had an alternative. Besides, you will also get a break from Arnav, don't you think?"

She snorted. "As if I will be allowed to enter the house without Arnav."

"Then bring him with you. He can keep Papa distracted."

Khushi sighed. "I love you Vihaan, and I will be there with you for the wedding. But coming back home to help with the planning? That's just too much... Papa is going hate anything I pick, not that I will blame him. I suck in these things. Plus, it will take him two minutes to figure out something is wrong between me and Arnav-"

"So, something is wrong between the two of you?"

Khushi realized a second too late what she let slip. She had to give it to her brother, he had a knack of getting things out of her even when she tried very hard to hide them.

"You can tell me... I will understand," Vihaan said earnestly.

He would. There was no doubt about that. Except Khushi didn't know what she was supposed to tell him.

After overhearing Arnav and Lavanya that day, she had decided explicitly to not interfere in the former's life. Not that she wasn't doing just that before, but seeing him so angry, blaming her for things that were out of her control... she didn't see what other choice she had.

"Nothing is wrong Vihaan," she finally muttered. "But we aren't perfect. We are two very different people in an arranged marriage... it will take time, don't you think, for us to be husband and wife? But Papa is not going to accept that... anything less than perfect is unacceptable for him."

Vihaan stretched out his hand to hold hers. "Ignore him for a second... what do you want?"

Khushi shrugged. "Can we please not talk about this? I am making peace with how things are... why do you want to get back into these discussions? We aren't going to get anything out of it-"

"We can find-"

"No, I am not negotiating," she snapped, her patience done. "Besides, we are talking about your marriage here, not mine."

Vihaan looked away from her. "I am sorry Khush," he said. "I am sorry I cannot help-"

"I am not asking for it."

"Yes, but I always end up putting you in rough situations... if Maa was here, then she would have handled this... and Papa... and you would still-"

"Stop with the pity party," Khushi cut in, before the conversation became too painful. "How many weeks do you want me to come and stay? Is three weeks good enough?"

Vihaan blinked, not following.

"Okay fine, three weeks it is," she continued, ignoring the look she was receiving. "Send me the wedding planner's number, I will talk to her. And please be proactive with the company... I can't stress this enough Vihaan-"

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