23. i wrote you a song

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a few days ago:
I sat on the edge of my bed plucking the chords, trying to figure out the perfect song.
I had the lyrics.
I had the music.
It was time to test it out.

I've loved music since i was younger. When Mum wasn't as bad, she had this record player where she would play songs and dance around the house with me.
I was so fascinated by how the music flowed through me.
How the lyrics connected to me in ways nothing else had.
I had so many ideas that i started writing them down, and soon enough i had a scrapbook of songs.
Where do I see myself in the FUTURE?
A singer. Maybe touring? Maybe local. I just wanna play for people and bring them the joy that i feel with music.

"I think about a hundred thoughts, and you are 99."
As I scribbled them down, the only person i could think about was Richie.
His smile.
His jokes.
His laugh.
His glasses.
I found everything about him so perfect.
So i wrote a song.
If we were to ever say goodbye, I would sing it to him.
But i couldn't say goodbye to him.
How could i say goodbye yet again to someone i loved?

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