Chapter 5

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Newt isn't sure what to think, Grindelwald actually told him where to find Graves. Newt isn't sure if it's a trap, but he has a feeling that it is, but everyone is desperate to get Graves back so they want to risk it.

The President is sending a group of Aurors to the warehouse, and Newt asks to join them, just in case. He has a feeling that Graves won't like unfamiliar faces, but he might be really scared and untrusting of his Aurors, and Newt is able to calm magical beasts, so he might be able to help Mr. Graves stay calm.

Tina insists that Newt should stay put, just in case it is a trap, but the President lets him go to both of their bewilderment, Tina isn't too fond of the idea, so she sticks close to Newt. More like hovers, but Newt finds it endearing, she knows he can take care of himself, but she still worries.


They are able to Apparate to the docks, which Newt finds a little weird, if Grindelwald was really hiding Graves here, wouldn't he put certain shields up, like ones to make sure no one Apparated in. Newt has a sudden feeling that nothing good can come of this, and he's glad that he left his case back at MACUSA because he wouldn't want to endanger his creatures. 

The Swooping Evil, and Pickett are with him though, both of them come in handy, but Newt just really hopes that they won't get hurt. Credence is also in the case, Newt hates leaving him alone in the house, or even in the case, but Newt has been showing him the case slowly. Credence loves all of his creatures almost as much as he does, and his creatures adore Credence in return.

The warehouse doesn't look any different then any other one, but the Aurors check to make sure that there are no shields around the warehouse, and no other spells that could harm them, once they check they begin to walk in on silent feet. 

The warehouse is darker than a building would be if it were in use, but the Aurors don't cast a Lumos, in case there are other wizards elsewhere in the building, so Newt doesn't either. They creep down a long hallway, and cast a Homenum Revelio to check if there's anyone nearby, it comes back positive, for at least three people. The Aurors walk silently through the halls following where the Revelio showed the people to be.

Newt follows, Tina beside him, and the Swooping Evil curled in his palm. He's nervous, isn't sure if the Swooping Evil will get hurt, or not, is debating on not using him at all. There's a shuffle of footsteps, and the Aurors all stop, and listen. A green light flies right past Newt and cuts his cheek, he identifies it quickly as the Killing Curse, and stills. The Swooping Evil won't be able to deflect that spell, at least he's never thought about it, or tested it, but he doesn't want to either.

The Aurors, and whoever has just shot the curse are throwing spells back and forth, but the Aurors wands are all shooting out blue light, while the other two wizards, Newt quickly sees, are shooting green spells at the Aurors.

Newt shoves the Swooping Evil further into his sleeve and creeps forward slowly, getting lower as he goes, and sends out a quick Stupefy, followed by a quick Confundo. One of Grindelwald's followers is stunned by Newt's spell, while the other is looking around and shooting spells randomly. One of the other Aurors shoot a Stupefy at him, and he drops to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

"I'm surprised you didn't become an Auror, Mr. Scamander." One of the Aurors confesses, and Newt shakes his head.

"That's my brother's thing." He misses Theseus actually, and he remembers that he never told him about coming to New York.

The Aurors cast another Revelio, and see there's only one person left, some of the Aurors stay with the two men, and cast a Incarcerous, Newt suggests to them to check for a wand that might be Graves'. Newt follows the rest of the Aurors, into a larger room, and begins to feel nervous.

The Swooping Evil rubs against his wrist, and Pickett climbs onto his shoulder gripping his ear. Newt smiles softly, his creatures are able to read his emotions almost as much as he can read theirs. He rubs at the Swooping Evil's cocoon softly, and grabs Pickett rubbing his head affectionately before placing him back inside his coat pocket.

The Aurors are all around what looks like a body, but the body is hunched in on itself and around the person is a Protego charm, so powerful that the Aurors are bewildered and unsure of how to get to the person inside. Mr. Graves is indeed the person inside the charm, and his hair is longer, and he's growing a beard, but the most noticable is that he's skinnier, and flinches everytime one of the Aurors raise their wands.

Tina comes to stand beside Newt, and looks at him pleadingly, almost asking him to do something. Newt approaches slowly, and goes through all of the Aurors and making sure they all back up a bit, they are probably overwhelming the poor fellow.

"Mr. Graves?" Newt calls, and Graves looks at him with haunted eyes, trying to back away. So Newt stills and crouches down, his wand isn't with him and that seems to cause Graves to relax a little bit. "My name is Newt Scamander, you remember Theseus don't you?" Newt questions, and there is recognition in his eyes, but he doesn't answer.

One of the Aurors go to step forward, and Graves' eyes automatically fall onto him, his eyes are wide, and don't focus in on just on person, they flicker throughout the whole room.

"We're here to help Mr. Graves, Grindelwald is locked away in MACUSA, you're safe." Newt assures and then slowly moves closer to the shield he has. "I need you to take your Protego down, so we can get to you and make sure you aren't seriously hurt. Can you do that Mr. Graves?" Newt keeps his voice soft, and calm.

Graves clears his throat. "H-How long have I been here?" He croaks, his voice hoarse. Newt turns to Tina, looking at her to answer that question.

"Three months sir." She answers, and Percival Graves, Director of Magical Security faints right before their eyes. His Protego falls away easily after that, but Newt doesn't quite know if it's because of the news, or not. He probably drained himself by casting that Protego with such force.


Tina decides to Apparate with Graves, so the other wizards leave before them, and take the two wizards that attacked them earlier. Newt stays behind, along with a couple of Aurors, they want to make sure that there are no other wizards running around.

While they wait to see if anyone else turns up, they search the warehouse, trying to see if there's anything hidden, or lingering. Newt is examining a place on the floor that has a scorch mark on it, trying to see what could've caused it, it's around the area where Graves was laying. 

There are suddenly loud footsteps and the Aurors are firing spells, before Newt can get up the Cruciatus Curse is thrown at him, he doesn't scream, but it's a close thing. It feels like someone is prying his bones off of his skin, and he wants to scream, but bites his lip hard enough that it draws blood.

Newt reaches for his wand, and hopes that Pickett and the Swooping Evil can't feel the pain that radiating through his bones, he sends a Stupefy towards the wizard he believes is sending the Cruciatus Curse at him, and thankfully the pain ends. Newt can see dark spots, and he tries to fight the oncoming darkness, but can't. So, he allows the pain the drain away as he falls unconscious.

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