I gulped, she noticed and looked at me. "Are you alright Alycia?"

"Yesss— um, i would love to invite you in but like i just got here and i haven't cleaning anything at all" I bit my lip, a bit embarrassed i didn't want her to go, i wanted her to stay a little bit longer.

"We can help, right Y/N?" The girl said. She was like 15 or so.

"Yeah sure! if you would like" Y/N spoke. I smiled and nodded.

I let them in and i think that's the biggest mistake of my life. Leaning myself into that.

After a couple of hours, we got the house cleaned, Y/N helped me with my suitcases in the room, while Eli organized the whole bathroom, after a while she got bored and went home because her friends were waiting for her.
Y/N told me she has like a group chat on the internet with people she's friends with and they always talk at 7pm so that's why she left, it's like something important.

"Then we just have to clean the kitchen and the living room" She said, i nodded.

"Yep! thank you so much for the help, if you want i can just do it by myself"

"Of course not! i like to help, sorry if i looked a bit annoyed at first, i really had a bad day yesterday but with no doubts today was better" She smiled and i blushed. Don't even know why.

"Glad to hear that, i'm sorry your day wasn't the best, mind to tell me why?"

She shook her head. "Just my job, lets say i'm not the best at it, i just try my best and well it's stressing" I laughed. "What's so funny?"

"Nobody's job it's funny at all! it's always some stressful part Y/N, that makes that your job" I said, she rolled her eyes.

"You're right, but i wish i could do something else" She said.

"What do you do?"

"I write" I smiled. A writer, by nature a romantic.

"That's pretty good! I like reading" I said, not trying to flirt at all but i guess it was how it sounded.

"Oh" She looked down. She cleared her throat. "What do you do?"

"I'm a reader" I chuckled. "Just kidding, i'm an actress"

"Funny" She said. "Then if i'd be a painter you'll be a model, so i would paint you, since i'm a writer i'll write and you'll act" She said, from nowhere, it made my heart skip a beat. Don't even know why.

"That's deep, but i would do it" I whispered.

She swallowed. "Um... i gotta go, i have to... write for tomorrow"

"Right! see you tomorrow then?"

"Count on it" She smiled.


After a couple of weeks everything seems to be working on for me. Y/N and I have been together almost every day, we have became very good friends and i love that, she's been there for me when i need a friend, giving me a hug and telling me everything's going to be okay.

I love how she's always so supportive and how she has opened up to me, and how i have opened up to her. It's been just a little time but it's like we have known each other for a lifetime.


"Okay what would it be the wildest thing you'll do?" She asked as she chopped the lettuce for our dinner.

"I don't know! maybe travel the whole world for someone? or i don't know it's a hard one" I said, she chuckled.

"You're boring, i would kill for someone, that's wild" She said.

"Thats not wild, that's psycho" I said, she laughed.

"You never fell in love until the point you would do anything for them? or you would go mad about the fact you love them too much and you want to be with them every second?" She asked. I felt a burn in my chest, i looked at her as she was chopping now some vegetables, i realized our faces were just inches apart, her eyes were now looking at my lips, my stomach feeling thousand butterflies right now, I looked directly to her eyes and when she moved her eyes to my eyes my eyes moved to her lips, as she licked them, i leaned in as she did the same, i could feel her hot breathe in my lip, my body reacting to the moment, wanting more, so much more. Like what's wrong with me? why do i feel this? I closed my eyes as i felt her lips touching mine softly, suddenly she screamed and pulled away.

"Fuck!" I opened my eyes and saw blood all over the vegetables, i licked my lips as i reacted.

"Oh my god, are you okay? what happened?" She bit her lips and turned around, she grabbed some paper towel and i walked to my bathroom to find some towels to help her with the blood.

"Thank you" She bit her lip, embarrassed. "i'm sorry, i'm so dumb" She said.

"You're not, it was an accident, let me see" I said and she handed me her hand so i van open the tower to see her cut. It was a big one but nothing so serious, it was so much blood but it wasn't like she's going to need stitches so i covered it again and helped her to walk to the sink so she can clean the wound.

"Is it bad?" She asked.

"No it's not, you're no going to die just yet" I said.

"Thank god" She said. I cleaned the wound and helped her to cover it properly, once it was covered i decide to chop the vegetables.

"Okay, no more knives for you lady" I said, she chuckled.

"Would you go on a date with me tomorrow?" She asked from nowhere. My heartbeat increased i'm pretty sure the whole building head it.

I tried to hide my smile but i just can't. "Of course i will" I said smiling, she smiled back to me and we finished our dinner. 


"Don't let me fall" I said. We were at the park and we were doing stupid stuff together like trust tests and it was so funny.

"Never, if you fall, i'll catch you, always" She said. She's so good with words.

"Okay catch me" I said. She looked at me confused.

"But you're still there in the grass, come on! stand up!"

"I'm falling" She rose her eyebrow. My hands were sweating.

"You're sitting" She chuckled.

"No... i'm falling right now, right here, every second i spent with you i'm falling" She looked at me still confused, she licked her lips as i bit mine and looked down. She got on her knees and lifted my chin.

She was smiling. "Say it"

"What?" I asked as i blinked.

"Please say it, i wanna hear it from your mouth" I blushed and chuckled.

"i'm falling for you" I said, without thinking. "i'm falling hard, so hard, i'm falling in love with you Y/N" I said and she cupped my face, finally after many weeks of waiting, she cupped my face and pressed her lips to mines, she kisses me, softly, it was the most perfect kiss i've ever had, i never felt so confident and so loved in a kiss, never felt that kind of feeling, madness. She made me feel like i would do anything for her, yes i would do.

There's no fear anymore just madness because without her i will go mad, her love makes me mad, i'm the craziest person alive when i'm with her.

Madness. I love her with madness, with the madness i never ever loved anyone but her.

I lived for fear but i would die for madness.

And madness was my biggest mistake.

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