Weakness - Lexa part 2

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"We need a plan!" Bellamy yelled, Y/N rubbed the sides of her head, she was stressed and guess what? Clarke wasn't anywhere.

"Yes Bell, i know, everyone here knows, can you just shut up and let me think?" She said, O tapped Y/N's shoulder and hugged her.

"Hey, it's going to be alright, let's do this together, we can find some way to solve all of this" She said, Y/N nodded.

"What's wrong?" They all turned over to see Clarke entering the room.

"Oh look, your majesty decided to do an appearance" Y/N said, Clarke rolled her eyes.

"Look kid, not because i fucked the love of your life means i don't care for my people" Y/N's jaw clanched, she was about to jump all over Clarke but Bellamy grabbed her.

"Hey, it's not worth it, let's just put all of our ideas together and maybe we can find a plan" He said, She breathed in and out to calm herself and to stop her from killing Clarke right there.

"Okay, we need allies"

"Tell me something i don't know... who? Lexa? the grounders? oh maybe azgeda" Y/N said, Clarke glared at her.

"Yes, since you seem so in love with her, you'll be the one that will talk to her, now" Y/N now has a confused look.

"What? i don't wanna see her again" She said, Clarke sighed annoyed.

"Look you have no choice, thank to me later, since i'm doing you a favor so you can get some balls and talk to her about your feelings" Y/N frowned.

"Excuse me? YOU FUCKED HER! now you care about my feelings?" Clarke rolled her eyes.

"Get over it Y/N, it was ONE night and she didn't even like me in that way, we were having fun, plus you know she's drooling for you, now go" Clarke said, trying to be nice, but Y/N doesn't trust in her fully.

"I won't get over it, it's like i would fuck with Bellamy, since you seem so fucking in love with him... oh did i expose you? or maybe you just want his dick, i don't know, enjoy your fucking lies Clarke" Y/N said and walked out of the room, the tension was powerful in the room, Raven cleared her throat and O sighed.

"Well, that was intense, shall we continue with our plan or?"

"Yes, we will, come on Raven we have to solve some stuff outside" O said and they left Clarke all alone with Bellamy.


"I don't care, she's right and let's just focus on our plan" He said and walked out of the room as well. Clarke sighed. She knows for a long time she's just being getting laid with many people and she doesn't care about anything because of course, love is weakness.


Y/N walked in the polis, she was just focused on do her duty, nothing else, she passed next to titus, he looked at her and grabbed her arm. Y/N pushed him and walked in Lexa's room.

"I need to talk to you" She said.

"Always so inopportune, is like an habit from you, isn't it?" Lexa said. Y/N just pursed her lips.

"Look i didn't come here to play, or to bear with your stupid words games, now we need allies, we think you have warriors strong enough to help our people and we have the guns, we would work amazing together now will you accept?" Lexa smirked.

"Gladly, just one condition" Y/N rolled her eyes, Lexa walked to her making her heart race, she tried to avoid her look but it was almost impossible.

"What? we can provide you with guns and all kind of weapons if it is what you need" Y/N said, Lexa laughed almost ironically.

"No dear..." She grabbed Y/N's chin with her fingers. "You will stay here, with me and we will have a proper conversation about what happened the other day" Y/N rolled her eyes.

"I have nothing to talk about with you" She said, Lexa rose an eyebrow.

"Really?" Her breathe touched Y/N lips, her hands were now sweating. "Then why are you so nervous, ai hodnes" She said, it sounded erotic.

Y/N took steps back, she looked up, she couldn't contain the tears, she just let them get out of her eyes, she feels now weak because she's crying right in front of her.

"Stop with your games, please, it hurts, i don't like it, i shoudnt like you but yet i do, i shouldn't love you but yet here i am asking you for help with the purest love in my heart, with all the things i can't say because the love is just weakness because we will be weak" Y/N break down, Lexa's face softened. She cupped her cheeks and pressed her lips to the little girl she has in front of her. Y/N couldn't react this time, her feelings were in control now, she just placed her hands in Lexa's neck and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. The two girls get caught in the kiss, it get now heated, Lexa walked to her bed placing Y/N over the covers, she placed her hands in Y/N's legs caressing them slowly, softly, like she will break in any touch.
Y/N moaned at the feeling of Lexa's lips in her neck, leaving for sure marks. Lexa was surprised she actually let herself fall in her arms. Lexa's heart raced the whole time, she was in love with her and she couldn't say it out loud in fear of those people who will say she is weak for loving someone as much as she loves Y/N.

"Wait, no i can't do this" Y/N stopped Lexa. Their breathes were irregular, they were so lost in the moment, but Y/N is not that easy, not because she admitted she loved her, means she will let being fuck by her. Not for now, that's now how love works, that just sex.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to rush anything, i'm sorry i got in the fucking bed with her, i'm sorry i didn't wait for you, i wanted to do it, but they would call me weak for falling in love with someone, sex seemed correct because it doesn't involve feelings, i just wanted to feel touched, i wanted to be discovered" Y/N looked away, she can't look at her right now.

"I have loved you since we meet and you—"

"I have too! it's just you seemed so focused on your people, you don't wanted anything else but protecting them and so do i, i care for my people but i also care for you" Lexa said.

"Yeah and that's why you fucked Clarke, makes sense" Y/N said, Lexa sighed.

"I love you, i just felt i couldn't have you, she was easy to get, she just wanted sex"

"You used her?"

"That sounds bad but that is what Clarke does" Y/N squint her eyes a bit, she sighed.

"Clarke doesn't know what she wants, she's just some kid" She said, Lexa nodded.

"But i do and what i what is you, i always wanted you" Y/N's expression softened. She sighed looking at her eyes again.

"I love you too, but will this work?" She asked.

"I can't promise you anything but my actions can talk, i can prove it to you, i want this and i want you" Lexa said, from all the fight they had just because they were messing around with their feelings now the situation was totally different, they both can feel the love.

"They still will say love is weakness"

"Yes, but i don't care about that because if someone will be my weakness, the only one i want it to be us you, so yeah i would deal with it" Y/N chuckled.

"Fine.... it will take some time, so let's go slow" Y/N said. Lexa nodded.

"About the allies and all, tell your people we will help, indeed you are my people and now my duty is protecting you" She said pulling Y/N in a hug, Y/N accepted it and smiled.

"Thank you Lexa" She said, Lexa nodded. "I have to go"

"I think we agreed to you would stay here with me today" Y/N sighed.

"Yeah, but we already talked about the weakness, now reshop heda" Y/N said and walked out of her tent leaving Lexa with a smile that no one ever saw before.

"Love is weak—"

"Shut up titus" Lexa said and closed the door of her tent.

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