Chapter Two: We Meet Again

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There it was.

The giant ship boarding all of MY animals.

I growled under my breath until a certain scent wafted through my nose. Crawley.

I looked over and saw him with the blond man from before. The stupid, perfect angel.

I was very vengeful. I miss being an angel. There's no point in my life anymore. I have no life, no purpose...

Crawley suddenly caught my eye and smirked. Cheeky bastard... He thinks he caught me staring, which isn't an entire lie. I rolled my eyes until the angel turned and caught my eye as well. I froze in place until he motioned me over. My legs wouldn't comply with my head. I kept wanting to stop but I just... couldn't.

I walked to the angel and Crawley and nodded. "Crawley. Angel." I greeted stiffly. The angel smiled at me and looked back at Noah's ark.

"Oi Shem! You're losing a unicorn! Oh well, he's got the other one." Crawley yelled out.

My heart ached for my precious unicorn. If she doesn't get on that ark she's done for... My unicorns would be a thing of the past.

"My name is Aziraphale. What is your name dear?" The angel suddenly spoke up. I tried to put on my weakest smile before telling him my name.


"It's Crowley." He said pointedly to Aziraphale. I raised my eyebrow. Changed his name huh?

"Crowley was just telling me about how you aren't demon nor angel." Aziraphale said, putting emphasis on the first syllable of Crowley's name.

"Mmm. Yeah. What 'bout it?" I asked, my amber eyes suddenly going a little more red, another gift from my fall. They were glowing as I stared the man down.

He looked in awe at me and his expression brightened.

"Sorry, angel, but I need to see why my unicorn is being reluctant." I stated, crossing my arms. "So if you'd hurry up and tell me what you want from me, I'll be on my way."

"Your unicorn?" He asked, a puzzled look on his face.

"I created the animals, therefore they are mine. Got a problem with that, sweetie?" I asked, a small smirk on my face.

His eyes widened a fraction as he gasped with a delighted smile. "You're that (y/n)?!"

I rolled my eyes and walked off, determined to find my unicorn. Crowley followed after me.

"What do you want, demon?" I asked as I kept walking.

"It's been a while. What have you been doing?" He asked, a simple smile gracing his lips. I turned towards him and my eyes were ablaze.

"Figuring out how to get revenge on Heaven. I've been alone for years." I growled between clenched teeth. "I was abandoned, and hurt. I had no purpose. I hate angels, I hate Heaven, and I hate all those associated."

Crowley seemed a little shocked as I walked away, finally finding my unicorn. I let my wings free now that I was out of sight from the regular humans and got beside my unicorn.

"Hi sweetheart. Why aren't you getting on the ark?" I asked softly, resting my hand on her neck. She nuzzled my hand before answering with a whinny.

"Im afraid." She stated. I nodded and rubbed her mane.

"It is scary isn't it? But I'm sure you'll be just fine, sweetie. I don't want you to drown here instead of after the flood when you have your family." I murmured softly. As I was one of God's most trusted angels at one point, I knew her whole plan for the earth. And I knew this was going to be the great flood.

"It's too late. I cannot go back. The door has been sealed." The unicorn sighed. I looked up and realized the rain was pouring down, but due to a large black wing it didn't hit me.


I looked back up and noticed Crowley, glaring at him.

"Didn't want you and the mare to get soaked." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and continued to stroke the unicorn.

"You'll be alright. Just stay strong for me." I whispered before walking off, Crowley following.

"Can you not follow me like a lost puppy?" I growled out.

"You were a mistake weren't you?" He asked, avoiding my question. I quickly turned around and pushed him against a tree, getting close to his face.

"You listen to me, demon, you will stop pretending like you know my whole story. You will stop pretending like you have any lick of understanding in your cold body. Do you understand me?" I glowered.

He smirked and kissed my nose before nodding. "Although, I do understand."

I cracked my neck as I tilted my head a growled. "You don't. You cant."

"I wasn't supposed to fall. I just hung with the wrong crowd and asked the wrong questions." He shrugged.

I pushed off of him and my body shook a little. He can't understand... He's a demon. If he did the same as me, I'd be a demon too.

"You're lying." I hugged myself and looked away before flying off again, but this time he followed.

"Tell me, why did Lucifer fall?" He asked.

"Simple. His greed. He thought he was higher than God herself." I stated.

"And why did the other demons fall?"

I stiffened. There were different reasons...

"Here, I will answer for you. Treachery, working against g- her, greed, questioning. All sorts of reasons." He stated. "I questioned why animals have-"

"Let me guess. Reproductive organs?" I bit my lip, looking at him as we started to land on the beach.

"...yes actually." He looked at me quizzically. "Among other things. How did you know?"

"I asked the same thing. God wanted me to create them with those organs." I stated, staring off at the ocean. I shivered suddenly and sighed. You'd think an immortal being wouldn't get cold...

"Did you figure out why?" He asked, staring at you.

"Look at what happened. Because of you taking form of one of my creations and deceiving Eve to eat the fruit that made her mortal. Now animals have to reproduce or their species would die." I stated, looking at him. I shivered again and rubbed my arms.

"Are you... cold?" He asked, a puzzled look on his face.

"Y-Yeah..." I sighed, my lip trembling from the freeze of the rain and breeze.

The ocean was slowly rising, I realized, and stood up. "The flood will begin soon. I recommend you go back to Hell until it is over."

"And why would I do that?"

"Have you ever had to fly for more than 40 days and nights straight? I didn't think so." I scoffed.

He nodded and was about to leave before looking at you. "What about you, (y/n)?"

"I trained myself. I'll be fine." I nodded, a small smile on my face.

"Alright... I'll see you again, (y/n)." He suddenly vanished and I sighed. I can't get attached to him... I just cant...

The Mistake And Her Temptation (Good Omens, Crowley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now