More Than A Party

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"You're losing the little party" Rose said now by Dave's side.

"I just needed to vent and smoke some cigarette."

"Is something bothering you?"

"I don't know. I think I'm just worried about Martin. Here he can drink everyday and I don't know if you have heard about his problems with alcohol..." Dave sighed.

"Yeah, I've heard about it. But by what Andy told me, it seems like he's drinking less. I honestly think he will quit soon but anyway, you can be sure we will all try to help. I'll keep an eye on him and I know that you and Andy will do it too." Rose took Dave's cigarette from his hand and started smoking with him.

"I didn't know you smoke." Dave said looking quite shoked at her.

"There are many things you still don't know about me." Rose smiled and blinked at him.

"Well, then tell me." Dave turned to face her instead of the sky.

"Do you really think it's that easy to know me?" Dave nodded. "Well, you're wrong. I like to keep as a mystery to people."

"Or you are afraid to tell me..." Dave said finally finishing the cigarette and throwing it away. Rose laughed.

"How dare you? I'm not afraid of you and you sound very cocky."

"I'm not cocky, but it seems like you're trying to seduce me since I came here."

"Dave, Dave, Dave..." she came closer and closer to him "That's just the way I am with everyone." She pulled Dave by his shirt collar and whispered with her lips close to his "Don't you dare to fall on this danger zone, darling"

Dave suddently got hit by Rose's delicious smell and her soft hot breath close to his mouth made this situation even harder to bear. Dave's heart was beating faster and he felt something so powerful that made him confused then... Rose released the collar of his shirt and walked to the door.

"Go back to the party downstairs, your friends are missing you" Rose said finally walking out of the room, leaving Dave all alone again. Dave didn't know what was going on inside of him anymore. That woman is filled with lust making him filled with... Desire? Dave shaked his head to forget a bit about those thoughts and walked back to the party.

"God, Dave, where have you been?" Andy said finishing another bottle of beer.

"Just smoking. The night is beautiful outside"

"And wild here. Our little Martin needed help from a girl to go to the bathroom."

"Oh no, again?!" Dave said feeling quite disappointed as he knew what that meant. Martin was drunk. "He's going to have a hell of a hangover tomorrow..."

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