We are currently about to head off for lunch now since they've unlocked our doors. They do this all the time, unlock your room making you thing that your free and not trapped but in reality if you step out of line just once you get the repercussion for it.

"Why were you asking me and Carli about the sport we do?" Ash whispers in my ear as we walk down to the eating area.

"I've got a theory, I'll tell you after lunch" I whisper not wanting anyone else to catch on.

We walk into the eating area and head to our table, all of us sitting down in silence waiting for our turn to get our food. I look at everyone here and my eyes land on Julie, again. I can't help but stare at the girl, her perfect cheekbones and blue eyes just make you lose any concept of time.

We haven't had much of a chance to talk or rather I've been too much of a woosy to go over and speak to her. It's not like I can have a relationship in this place anyway.

Our table gets called up soon so we all head over to the food station and get given our meals. I'm heading back to my seat when the doors are suddenly barged open and three men come storing in, I get a better look and see its Vex and a few of the other guards I beat up on my first day here.

"You! I'm going to kill you" he says charging towards me, I put my tray on the table behind me and get ready to defend my self. He sends the first punch and I block it again, punching him in the face instead. He's about to attack me again when Lilith comes in.

"Stop!" She screams making the while place go silent, you could hear a pin drop in here.

"What has the boss told you about touching number 1, it needs to be in top shape for testing," She says making the three guards stand away from me.

"Sorry ma'am," they say in unison, walking back to wherever they are meant to be. I pick my tray back up and head over to my table.

"did you hear what she said" I whisper to Ash and Christen who sit next to me.

"Yeah, something about testing," Christen says looking at me worriedly.

"whatever it means, it doesn't sound good," Ash says, I nod in agreement and try to forget about it while I eat my lunch

Lunch goes by fairly quickly, I mostly spend it worrying about these 'tests' I need to be fit for. We are heading off to our activity slot now and I've decided to pick free-running today since it could come in very handy trying to get out of here.

I head to the changing room and get dressed into the workout clothes they provide for us. As I walk in I notice Julies also here taking off her top and revealing her six-pack. My eyes seem glued to her stomach as she awkwardly clears her throat.

"Sorry you've just got a good physique," I say trying to play it off cool.

"I could say the same for you," Julie says back to me, is she flirting with me?

"and how would you know that," I ask smirking at her.

"Well, I did see you in your bra and underwear last week remember," She says grinning at me while my face drops and instantly goes 10 shades redder.

"I'll see you out there Skye," Julie says walking past and touching my shoulder.

I'm officially never washing that shoulder ever again.

I finished getting dressed and head out to the course wanting to get started on some techniques I'm trying to learn. I walk out and see Julie doing all kinds of flips and runs across beams. I can't help but stand there in awe as she makes it all look so effortless and extremely hot.

United Togetherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें