Chapter 2

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(I should state that this chapter may be triggering with abuse.)


(Authors Note)








In Flashbacks

P.O.V Change

Harrys P.O.V

As soon as I was in and closed the back door to Uncle Vernon's car, he silently sped off towards #4 Privet Drive.

As we drove back to his home, he stayed completely silent the whole time.

I was startled out of my thoughts when he turned into the driveway of #4.

He opened my door, grabbed my arm and dragged me into the house before shoving me into the entry hall.

"Cook dinner for me and Dudley, Freak." Commanded Uncle Vernon.

"Yes Uncle Vernon." I quickly answer before hurrying into the kitchen to see Aunt Petunia getting the things for dinner out, looking even thinner than last summer.

"Hello Harry." She says with a small smile in my direction when she sees me enter the kitchen.

"Hello Aunty, has he been giving you much food this year?" I asked.

"Unfortunately not, so ho..."

"Shut up and get to work on our dinner you useless, unwanted pieces of shit!" Uncle Vernon called in to us.

"Yes Vernon/Uncle" We called back.

When we were about half way through making the meal Dudley came running into the kitchen, when he sees us smiling he smirked calling. "Dad, the Freaks are smiling!" When we hear the words Freaks we both flinch, but I notice Aunty flinch even more than usual.

'Oh, what has he done to you this year Aunty?' I think to myself before looking up at Uncle Vernon's arrival.

"What are the two of you smiling about?" Snapped Uncle Vernon as he entered the kitchen to answer Dudley's call.

"We're just thinking of how grateful we are for what you do for us, sir." I answer him, knowing what he wants to hear and what to say, as usual, as we continued to cut and cook their dinner.

"Finish up our dinner and then go straight to your cupboard Freak. Not you, Pet, I want to see you after supper." He said and Aunty started shaking and lost what little colour she had in her face.

"Yes Vernon." She said whilst breathing out shakily.

After she said that Uncle Vernon and Dudley left the kitchen.

30 minutes later - Petunia's P.O.V

As I watch Vernon finish his food I begin to hyperventilate a little.

'Calm down, calm down, calm down.' I continuously think to myself as my breathing starts to become more regular again, 'Ok'

"Follow me thing." Vernon snaps at me, whilst I flinch at the word thing, I follow him out into the living room.

"Take off your blouse." He says.

As I do so I hear him remove his belt and I start to shake minutely.

"Go stand with your hands on the wall, feet apart, and head bowed." He ordered me as he cracked the belt on his hand, "I'm going to hit you with this fifty times and the only sound I want to hear come from your mouth is the number after each one."

After he said that he brought the belt down on my scar ridden back.

"One," I began before another whip, "two..."

He continued this another 48 times and by now I was on the brink of silently crying as blood slowly ran down my back. When he finished he let me go back to the cupboard to Harry.

When Harry sees me enter the cupboard on the verge of crying I can see the anger and pain in his eyes, so I begin to sing a song Lily and I would sing to each other whenever we were scared.

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said don't leave me here alone
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down"

When I got to this part of the song, I realised Harry had fallen asleep, probably exhausted from Hogwarts. I continued quietly singing it to myself to calm down from the beating I got from Vernon.

"You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound

Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold onto this lullaby even when the music's gone, gone

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound

Just close your eyes, you'll be alright

Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound"

Words- 736

(Ok my fantastic mors comedenti I will try and get another chapter up for you soon. And please if you spot any grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling mistakes please comment and I'll fix it as soon as I can. Donec iterum, Domine Slytherin.)

Edited- April 11th, 2020
2nd Edit- July 15, 2020

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