Trying to relax, I leaned back in my seat and tried to block out the loud, obnoxious screaming and cussing. But my ears were still throbbing. I sighed, turned around, and pressed my forehead against the foggy window. The cold condensation cooled down my warm face. After a while, I heated up the window and it wasn't frigid anymore. The annoying dirty talk of the people behind me continued. I growled, and ripped off my overheating jacket. A black t-shirt that I messily threw on early this morning was there.

I concentrated, trying to block out the noise. My head started hurting, and then I was so irritable that it took all I had to not punch the seat. I heard someone speaking towards my direction. I relaxed my strain and turned to look at them. Two boys, who were grinning mischievously at me were asking me something.

"So, pretty girl, what do you think?" one of them asked.

I had no idea what they asked me, but this was the perfect prompt to give these immature people a piece of my mind.

"What do I think?" I asked, voice rising in anger at every word. "What do I think?!"

The yelling and swearing quieted down to watch me make a scene of things.

"I think you all need to go to Bath and Body Works to buy yourself a bar of soap!" I yelled. "Because you need to clean your dirty mouths! Fun fact: dropping bad words every other word you say doesn't make you cool! It makes you ANNOYING!"

I was now standing up, and everyone was staring at me, eyes wide.

I bowed. "Thank you." I sat down.

Now I know you're wondering: Why are you so sensitive towards explicit language? Well, I'll tell you. In Roblox, the moderators are extremely intolerant of anything inappropriate. Any bad word that is said is patched with hashtags. Even the words boyfriend or girlfriend are patched, because online dating isn't allowed and could also get to a level that I don't wish to talk about. So being raised by those rules, I developed an intolerance for cursing, especially if it's used too frequently. And I am aware of my bad temper, and trust me, it doesn't help the cause.

There was a stunned silence for one whole minute. Then the bus gradually came up to loud whispers.

I smirked. I probably had haters for my guts, but it was totally worth it.

I looked over at Hayden, who pulled up one side of his wireless headphones to listen to my rant. He gave me an agreeing glance when he saw me looking at him and turned back around to face the window. The bus pulled up at the school, and the students got up out of their seats to exit the bus, some shooting me venomous glares as they walked past me down the isle.

Great start to the school year. How many more enemies was I going to make until I successfully steal the laptop?


"Hello, Azalea, I have a deal that may satisfy you," a deep voice said in the darkness.

"What may that be?" I inquired with a small smirk.

"Hey you!"

"Girl in the black t-shirt!"

"Wake up! No snoozing in class!"

I snapped awake, looking around frantically. A whole class full of kids were staring at me, and I felt my cheeks flush red. Must've dozed off...

"Sorry," I mumbled.

I looked at the board, and it said, Mrs. Gundershiner. Oh yeah, I remember where I am... I was in the history room, got really bored and let my fatigue wash over me as I slowly fell asleep.

Game Wars- A Minecraft Story (Threequel to Virus)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu