Judges Needed!

547 22 65

If you're interested in judging, please refer to the rules below and fill out the form! You're welcome to enter the contest and judge, but only for seperate categories.

As a thanks, judges will be followed by me indefinitely!


1: Please only apply if you are ACTIVE on Wattpad.

2: Do not converse with any of the participants or take any bribes.

3: It is highly recommended that you vote for your canidates chapters, but I advise against any commenting or private messaging during the duration of the contest.

4: Only read the first 5 chapters of your assigned stories.

5: Please be nice to the participants and try not to be too biased.

6: Once you receive your stories, your input must be turned in within 7 days.

7: You will be judging based on the criteria below, and must send your results to me via private message using the same exact format.


Cover: 0/10
Blurb: 0/5
Description Skills: 0/10
Plot Development: 0/15
Grammar: 0/15
Creativity: 0/5
Writing Skills: 0/10
Character Development: 0/15
Enjoyment: 0/5
Overall Impression: 0/10
Added Total: 0/100

All of your information MUST be included in one comment, or your entry will automatically be declined.

2:Have you ever judged before?
3:If you entered your own story, which sub category is it in?
4: Which category would you like to judge?
5: Are you always active?

If accepted, I will tag you in the books you are meant to judge after entries are closed ☺️💞

I think this should go without saying, but if you've also entered into the contest and decide to back out on judging at last minute, you will be disqualified from participating.

Kiss Awards 2019 - Romance & EroticaWhere stories live. Discover now