"I apologize for this idiot's behavior."

"It's ok Kendo, we know you try," the girl named Uraraka said, deadpanning with the rest of the class while others muttered "Him again? God that guy is so annoying."

A tall, muscular guy with an orange mask thing over the top half of his face and an X scar on his left cheek walked in. I'm assuming he's the teacher. Hopefully.

"Oh, class 1-B, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit today?" The principal asked politely.

"This man was found in front of our building and he claims he has no idea how he got there. He also refuses to remove his mask. Do you think he's a villian?"

"Hhhmmm, let me see the man. Where is he?"


He went outside the office and pushed a man in.


"Hide! Where were you?! I woke up in this strange place and you weren't there! Also, I found Juuzou."

Hide looked up at my barage of questions.

"Kaneki! Well, apparently I was in front of the building class 1-B was in. They asked me a bunch of questions, but I didn't know if I could trust them. And, yay, you found Juuzou, but why does he look like he did when he was younger?"

"Well, Mr. Nagachika, we don't actually know why. But, are you perhaps a friend of Mr. Kaneki and Mr. Suzuya?" the principal asked after getting his name from the teacher.

"Oh, Kaneki and Juuzou? Yeah, we're friends."

"Well, if you wouldn't mind, could you please remove your mask. I understand if you can't, but there are safety protocols that must be followed."

"He really doesn't need to does he? I-I don't think-"

"It's ok Kaneki. Thanks for trying to defend me, but it's ok. I can take my mask off Mr. Principal, but be warned, it won't be pretty."

I watched as Hide slowly took off his mask and the students leaned in to get a better look.

"Oh my, what happened to you?!"the principal gasped.

"This is what happens in war," Hide replied.

His lower face was missing and some of his neck. It was revealed to the students that he could only talk because of a weird gadget in his neck.

 It was revealed to the students that he could only talk because of a weird gadget in his neck

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Well, it appears I have another proposition to make. Will you, Mr. Kaneki, be willing to become a private teacher to some, and Mr. Nagachika, would you and Mr. Kaneki be willing to teach a class with the others of your world about what your world is like, seeing as there are so many of you now and there might be more too? The class would consist of classes 1-A and 1-B."

It took me a moment to think about it, but it seemed like a great opportunity.

"Sure, I'd be willing to try, though it's my first time teaching and I may not do so well."

"Have some faith in yourself Kaneki. You used to help me when my grades were failing remember? You little former nerd."

I chuckled and scratched the back of my head. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"By the way, I forgot to ask earlier since I was being questioned, but WHY THE HECK IS MR. ARIMA HERE?! DIDN'T HE DIE LIKE SOME 6 YEARS AGO?!"

Oh yeah, we still need to catch up.

"Mr. Principal, would you be willing to give us a moment we need to catch everyone up with everything," I asked.

"Sure, go ahead I don't mind. In fact, you can use my office if you'd like."

"Thanks. And before you leave Mr. Todoroki, would you mind waiting outside the outside the office instead of going back with your class? And if there's anyone else interested in having me teach them, please ask them to wait with you. But only a few people please. I wouldn't be able to handle trying to teach half the class."

He nodded and left, shutting the door behind him.

"Now, where to start..."

There you go, the end of chapter 5. I know I said that I wouldn't be able to update so fast again, but it's almost break! In one more day, I will get a week off from school! Also, I must thank my one and only main supporter, Invictyr, who reads and votes every chapter I publish. I finished this chapter early as a thank you. Until next time!

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