Chapter 7

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The mood in the room was tense. Daphne's arms were crossed in front of her and her lips pursed as she tried to avoid looking at the prosecuting attorney. Unlike Daphne, Penelope Clearwater-Weasley looked distinctly frazzled. Daphne could guess why. Ravenclaws did not like the sudden upheaval of known facts, and this case had been nothing but that.

"There is still a case here," Penelope argued. "Harry Potter is a marked Death Eater. He trained recruits and killed a veteran Auror. We have to set an example. There is a punishment for every crime."

"Crime?" Daphne repeated. "Harry took the Mark on Dumbledore's orders. Alastor Moody trained him. If either were still alive, I'd say you're prosecuting the wrong person. Harry did what he had to do."

"But he didn't have to do anything," Penelope pointed out. "He chose to do this. We all heard Dumbledore offer him a choice."

Daphne stared at her. "Are you an only child, Ms. Clearwater-Weasley?"

"Yes," Penelope answered uneasily.

"Then you wouldn't really understand. When you have younger siblings, you always want to protect them. Harry once told me that he would rather be tortured by Moody than have Evan have to do."

Director Bones had been listening quietly, analyzing both sides of the argument. "Okay, that's enough." The two lawyers stopped talking. "Ms. Greengrass, I understand that your client is not the only person culpable for his crimes. If they were still alive, I'd charge Dumbledore and Moody with child endangerment. But Ms. Clearwater-Weasley has a point. We have to set an example here. I am willing to offer a deal."

Daphne didn't hesitate. "Take Azakban off the table."

Penelope's eyes narrowed. "And what sentence would you suggest?"

"House arrest and community service," Daphne suggested.

Director Bones raised an eyebrow. "That's an awfully light sentence, Ms. Greengrass. I do hope you have something to offer."

"You mean besides the precedent this office has already set when they gave Lucius Malfoy a light plea bargain for very little useful information?" Daphne asked lightly, her eyes narrowed. Sighing, she added, "My client will give up all information and memories pertinent to ongoing investigations of former Death Eaters and the downfall of Lord Voldemort and be available for any and all questioning."

Director Bones looked over at Penelope. The lawyer didn't look happy, but she nodded. "Offer the deal to your client, and then I'll give it my stamp of approval."

Daphne nodded and left Bones's office. She pulled her jacket more tightly around her as she took the elevator down to the Ministry's basement where the holding cells were. Though infinitely better than Azkaban, the holding cells were still not a pleasant place to be. The basement was dark and dank with no windows and very little light. Harry was currently the only one being held there. Daphne smiled as the guard and gestured to Harry, explaining that she would like a few minutes alone with her client.

The guard was very reluctant to leave, citing it as a security risk, but a few minutes of Daphne's charm and smile had him convinced.

"I'll just be in the office if you need me, ma'am," he said.

"Thank you," Daphne said, batting her eyelashes. The guard blushed and headed towards his office.

She turned around to see Harry rolling his eyes. "Pathetic," he commented.

Daphne raised an eyebrow. "Him or me?" she questioned with a smirk.

"A little bit of both, I suppose," he replied, chuckling silently at her glare. "So what brings you to my humble abode?"

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