Episode Thirteen: For the Future

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Tartarus: Alpha-Class Prison Planet, 5099

"What do you mean you can't get a signal?"

"I mean what I said, Doctor: I can't get a signal. There are no bars. It doesn't matter how much you supercharge a mobile, it's not going to be worth a damn without any bars. Are the sirens getting louder?" 

"Sorry about that, working on it."

With a spark and a fizz, the blaring screams of the prison's lockdown sirens finally quietened, and the Time Lord and his companion could once again think clearly.

"OK, what are we going to do? No signal, no TARDIS, no way out."

"The lockdown will take just a little more time," the Doctor explained, sticking his tongue out as he concentrated on pulling yet more wires from the control room's console. The situation was becoming increasingly hopeless, and he had to keep up the pretence that he knew what he was doing.

Jade could see right through it.

"You've been looking at that for hours now. Surely you can just call one of your space mates instead. Besides, I don't think Eli is just going to let Callum pick up the TARDIS phone."

The Doctor stopped what he was doing and stood to full attention, throwing his sonic screwdriver onto the controls in frustration.

"Jade, I am trying my best. I know you're worried about Callum - so am I - but I'm working with limited resources and even more limited time, I-" the Doctor stopped himself at the sight of his friend, so desperately anxious, "I'm sorry."

The anger drained from Jade's face, and her frown became a grimace. She placed a hand reassuringly on the Doctor's arm.

"No, I'm sorry, Doctor. I know you're doing everything you can. I just...I just hate being powerless like this, with no one to call for help. In any other circumstance, I'd call you," she half-laughed, in order to lighten the situation.

"You're right..."

Jade dropped her hand and narrowed her eyes.

"What are you thinking...? It makes me feel uncomfortable when you have that look on your face."

"What look?"

"You're 'I have a crazy plan' look. Are you going to call yourself?"

"Ha, no!" the Doctor laughed, recoiling at the idea, "I've messed with my own timeline enough already, thank you very much. But there are other people we could call."

"Not without any signal," Jade pointed out, waving her phone.

"You don't need signal to call a time agent. You just need intention."

"I'm not following."

"I'm going to commit, right here and now, to find a way to call my past self, warn him, and - in the process - cause a paradox."

The Doctor put his index fingers to his temples and concentrated, though to Jade, it was difficult to tell if he was serious.

"You don't have to do that," came a welcome voice, as light flashed around the room, illuminating the jagged black rock that formed the walls.

"Oliver!" the Doctor exclaimed, throwing his arms around the time agent.

"You had us worried, you know. Where's Callum?" Oliver asked, patting the Doctor on the back and looking around the room, "And where's your TARDIS?"

"Long story. We need to get back to Earth, 2019."

"Why then?" Jade asked, her stomach turning anxiously at the thought that her family and friends could be at risk.

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