Episode Six: Time and Again

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Racing through the Time Vortex can sometimes feel like falling - or that's what the TARDIS imagined falling was like, anyway. Regardless of her usual curiosity, a gift from the source that powered her, the time machine flung herself through history, all in an effort to save the Time Lord on the other side of her doors.

"Doctor! What's happening?!" Jade screamed, as she held onto the TARDIS' doorframe with one hand, and Callum's body with the other. He was still unconscious, though breathing...and strangely, smiling. The TARDIS had given him a blissful dream, just in case - it was the least she could do.

"The TARDIS isn't obeying the controls... I'm not sure where she's taking us!" the Doctor yelled back. He was prone to becoming excitable in such situations, the Tardis reminded herself.

A flash of sparks erupted from the console, forcing the Doctor to relinquish his grip and protect his face. She did what she had to do.

"Steady on, girl! Have I done something wrong?" the Doctor asked, face pained and perplexed at the same time.

"Please don't tell me we're about to die because of a spat with your motor! Doctor!"

Then he used her weakness against him. She should've known this was coming, but there were more pressing things on the TARDIS' mind. The Doctor pulled himself over to the psychic circuits, inserted his fingers, and communicated directly with his ship.

"Why are you doing this?" he said aloud, watched with curiosity by Jade.

Protection. Break the loop before it happens.

"You're not making sense... please stop!"

The TARDIS seemed to sighed, defeated in this small act of rebellion. All action coming to a stop, and the lights dimmed and then revived again, like breath returning to the lungs. Everything settled, and the Doctor removed his mind from the psychic circuits.

"What the hell was that all about?!" Jade asked, letting go of the doorframe and stuffing her jacket under Callum's head so she could stand up.

"I think...the TARDIS was trying to protect us from something, but I'm not sure what. How strange. I'll put us back on course."

Sometimes, she wished she could scream at her pilot, at the Time Lord she stole from Gallifrey, to wave her arms in frustration and yell about how stupid he was at times. Then again, some people needed to learn the hard way.

"Back on course for where?" Jade approached, warily. She had forgotten in all the action that they had just left Lethe under somewhat of a cloud. 

The water. Jade glanced around the TARDIS, looking for the precious bottle that could miraculously cure the plague. How strong was space glance, she wondered?

Strong enough. The bottle lay unscathed, between Callum and the TARDIS doors - which had slammed shut before they'd taken off. Perhaps the machine really did have a mind of its own, she thought.

The TARDIS heard this thought. A few of the Doctor's friends called also do with a verbal telling off, were the TARDIS ever to get the opportunity again, the time machine decided.

The Doctor had bowed his head as he worked at the console, and suddenly seemed more serious. His voice was low as he eventually replied.

"We're going after Eli. I scanned him with my screwdriver when he wasn't looking, and we can use the TARDIS to find him," he looked up at the moving column and spoke like an adult to a scornful child "if she behaves herself, to find him."

The TARDIS silently rolled her non-existent eyes. Her Time Lord really didn't see the bigger picture, but he would.

"What did I miss?" 

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