Chapter Six

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“You missed our meeting Ms. Breslin!” Patrica jumped awake sitting up. “Gabriel! What the bloody hell are you doing in my room?!” She looked down realizing she was basically naked and pulled the sheet up to her neck. “It is nothing I haven't seen before Ms. Breslin and again you missed our meeting so I thought I would come to you. How is the assignment going?” Patricia huffed she knew he already knew the answer the one thing about being fallen you have no privacy. “It's going just fine Gabriel just had an extremely late night and I did not wake up in time to see you. So you make house calls now?” Gabriel chuckled to himself “Only for you dear most usually meet me no matter how late their night has been.” Patricia stood up wrapping her sheet around her body “Well I'm not most people. I'll meet you outside in a few minutes just let me get dressed.” Gabriel nodded disappearing into thin air.

She went into her closet and opened the one box she snatched up quickly when Greg helped her and Savannah get the bed and grabbed a pair of dark wash skinny jeans a dark purple tank top and a black cardigan. Getting dressed she thought about Savannah and decided she would make a pot of coffee for her to wake up too it was the least she could do for her. Once she was dressed and threw on her brown leather boots she tied her auburn mane into a quick pony tail while making the coffee and headed outside to talk to the person she hated most other then herself. She stepped outside into the cold air and looked at Gabriel grimly “So what is with the meeting you usually just meet when it's finished and I get a new assignment. “ She pulled out a cigarette lighting it “Do you mind?”

Gabriel shook his back and forth “It is a nasty habit but do what you want and this assignment seems to be a bit different for you just wanted to check in and make sure you were staying on track and following the rules.” Patricia smirked “Well it's not like I am going to die if I smoke anyway right? Everything is going fine Gabriel don't worry about me.” Gabriel placed his hand on her shoulder uprising her “Believe it or not I do worry especially with this assignment. Keep your distance and do your job Ms. Breslin .” Patricia back away from him “I have been doing this for nearly 150 years and I have done every fuckin' assignment you've thrown at me perfectly. You may be my boss Gabriel but do not tell me how to do my job!” Gabriel looked almost shocked she held her breath realizing he was the one who could hand her over to Lucifer any time he wanted. “Well Ms. Breslin it seems I struck a cord with you. It appears the job is taking it's toll on you. Do you wish to quit and be passed off to Lucifer and terminate our agreement?! I will not think twice to condemn you Patricia.” Patrica Irish blood boiled beneath her skin she wish she could hurt him some how but she knew it would be a waste of time. “You are not human and you never bloody will be so I do not expect you to even fathom what I feel and what this job and our agreement does to me. You have no empathy no feeling Gabriel and that is why I cannot stand you, but we do have an agreement so I will do my job and I will do it right. So next time I'd appreciate it if you didn't drop in my bedroom unannounced thinking dropping into my life no matter if you own it or not is okay! Now I have to get inside so I can do my job to which you are keeping me from doing right now. I will see you same time and the same place when the job is done. Good day Gabriel.” Patrica stomped away so pissed off she felt like punching the wall just who did he think he was?! She didn't care if he was an angel or not you just do not talk to people that way it isn't right.

She walked into the door still steaming over her debate with Gabriel she grabbed a plate and threw it against the wall making Savannah rush out of the bathroom. “What the hell was that?!” Patricia sighed feeling guilty “I'm sorry. I'll pay for a new one.” She knelt down picking all the shattered pieces of porclein. “Are you alright? Why did you throw it to begin with?” Patricia shook her head “Trust me you don't want to to know. Just have a lot of bullshit going on in my life...actually it has been going on for a very long time and I'm damn sick of it, but there is nothing I can do about it....It is what is.” Savannah knelt down to try and help her but she shook her head again “No you go finish up I'll clean up. I don't have work at the bookstore today so I'll get the rest of my clothes and belongings out of storage.” She looked up to see Savannah staring at her with such curiosity and intent it put butterflies in her stomach. Patricia couldn't resist seeing Savannah so close to her in nothing but a thin black towel and the promise of passion in her eyes she leaned forward and gently brushed her lips against hers and kissed her. She knew this would probably change everything. Patricia also knew this was what Gabriel was so worried about. She had never lusted after any of her assignments before they were just that...assignments. Savannah was different though something about her woke something up in Patricia that had been dormant for almost 150 years. She made her feel again...she made her feel alive. Patrica kissed Savannah lightly again hoping she would kiss her in return she desperately needed to have Savannah kiss her back she burned for it...for her....

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