Chapter Five

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Savannah closed the bathroom door and couldn't wait to wash the smoke off from the club. She adjusted the knobs getting the water to just the right temperature and stripped away her clothes and stepped into the hot running water. She let the heat take the ache away from her screaming muscles as she grabbed her vanilla body wash and washcloth and washed away the day she's had. She washed her face and decided she was way too tired to do anything else and turned the shower off and wrapped her towel around her body stepping out into the kitchen,

She stopped seeing Patrica staring at herself in her mirror. She knew she should stop watching her but instead her feet stood in place as her heart raced. She wondered what Patricia was thinking to look so broken and depressed she's had that very look on her face throughout her whole life. Just as she thought about going up to her and asking her what was wrong Patrica yanked off her cami and at that point Savannah's heart stopped. She scanned her body up and down, her body was perfect so pale and smooth with little flecks of freckles all over it. Savannah shook herself out of the current state she was in feeling dirty and wrong.

She crawled into her bed her fathers words shouting at her in her head “What's wrong with you girl! You wanna burn in hell! You are an abomination! A sexual deviant and a freak! Get right with god!” She looked up at her ceiling forcing herself to hold back tears. She refused to cry for that son of a bitch he didn't deserve her tears or her pity. She got far away from him a long time ago and for a damn good reason, but she knew no matter how far away from her father he would always live inside her head making her feel less of herself and who she was. He was like a virus she could never get rid of. She decided to give up thinking about what she couldn't change and closed her eyes hoping she would see that beautiful skin in her dreams tonight at least there she was safe.

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