Chapter Four

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Patricia nearly fell to the floor she was so exhausted “I'm beat when can we go home?” Savannah gestured to Greg “We can leave now. Let's get your bed so you have somewhere to sleep.” Patricia smiled she loved the thought of sleep right now, but realizing she had a meeting with Gabriel in a couple hours so she won't be getting a lot of it. “You okay? You look like someone just died.” Patricia looked up at Savannah half smiling “Yea just been a long night.” she sighed wishing her punishment was over and she could die already anything was better then this.

“So where's your bed?” Greg came up to her and asked. “Its in storage down the road we can just get the bed tonight. I'll get everything else later I am to tired.” Greg laughed “Okay lets go so we can all go home and sleep.” They walked out of the club the cold air filling her lungs making her feel refreshed and a little more awake. They all walked to Greg's truck and headed down the road to the storage facility. “It's this one.” Patricia said as she unlocked the door and lifted it up. “Okay you two get the other end and help me put it into the truck.” Patrica and Savannah heaved the full sized bed into the bed of Greg's truck and drove to their apartment. “Thanks for doing this Greg.” Savannah thanked Greg cutting through the awful silence. The three stopped and got the bed into the apartment and into Patricia's new bedroom. “Thanks again Greg for the bed and the job.” Greg smiled “No problem doll face anytime.

Patricia turned to Savannah “Thanks for everything. Not a lot of people would do this for someone else.” Savannah shrugged “No biggie. I'm exhausted I'm going to take a shower and get to bed.” Patrica nodded heading to her room. She looked around it was bare for now but she knew she would get the rest of her things in soon enough. She stretched her aching muscles kicking off her boots and yanking off her jeans. She opened the closet door to throw in her clothes and saw her reflection in the mirror knowing she should be dead right now with great great great grandchildren running around, but instead she was standing here forever 24. Patricia too tired to relive her past took off her camisole and landed hard on the bed closing her eyes and hoped they didn't open the next morning.

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