chapter 12:

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Ashton was walking in the door with Calum from the studio "Guys were home ,how was school ?!"

Luke groan "Leave me alone " he did his homework quietly

Michael annoyed them and played
video games in his room

Calum and Ashton looks at them

Ashton point to Luke since he knew his be easier deal with

Calum goes to Micheal room "how was school ?"

Michael paise his game "it was school what you think "

Calum looks at him "I got phone call saying your skipping classes and you need straighten up seriously Micheal"

Ash knock on the door "open up Luke "

Luke look at the door and breath and pretend he was sad voice "Dad I'm doing homework ! School was amazing but I got homework

Ash let do the door nob "alright then if you need to talk I'm here "

Calum left from micheal room and Ash left as well as those two go to there room  As the cuddle u together

Micheal heard Luke from the air vents wanting find out what was on that paper

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