chapter 7:

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Luke and Michael listen to Ashton give me e them a lecture on being late and how they should one the rules

Michael got up once he was finished
Luke stayed behind apologizing on being late "we got caught up on brother time since this like first time we don't hate each other"

"NOPE I STILL HATE U JUST NOT AS MUCH" Micheal said from his room

"See before would of already be super mean and not even talk to me " Luke said

Ash and Calum look at each other then at Luke "you not in trouble this time but please just behave and Michael you need work on your attitude please and can u go tell Michael to dress nicely and you to please , u don't have to over do it tho just nicer clothes "

Luke nods going to his room dressing all nice putting on a nice black shirt not cut up and up and his black skinny jeans with some nice combat boots then fix his quiff "I think that nice of nice ?! Oh tell Mikey" he goes up to Michael room "Mickey you need dress nice were having visitors "

"Visitors ugh why , fine just go away so I can find something

Luke leaves wishing he was nicer going to Ash "do u need help dad ?"

Michael didn't see what was wrong what he had on

He put on several necklaces , some braclets , he put on his grey beanie and his long sleeve shirt making him have sweater paws and kept the same pants on  ,then come down stairs "who even coming Anyways ?"
He said annoyed kicking his feet up on the couch

Calum looked at him "lose the attitude we tried being nice and second it Alex and Jack " he said sweeping up the place

Micheal eyes widen sitting up "you mean in like All time low Jack and Alex in like them ?!?"

Luke chuckled "I hope there nice ." 

Ash nod "they are and I'm guessing your a fan ,there coming in like twenty  minutes by now just behave when they get here boys please Especially you Michael

Michael annoyed him excited but didn't show it to much

Luke knew what he was thinking about and put on frozen to watch tell they get here

Michael turned that off "I do not want think I'm brother with a loser "

Ash cross his arms "Micheal go to your room tell I tell you come out now you need learn to be nicer "

"But " Michael said

"But nothing go Michael " he said pointing to his room

Michael goes to his room "so unfair "
And slam the door

Luke stat on the couch quite wanting to say something but doesn't

"Now do be like your brother Luke" said Calum

Luke felt bad for Michael and thought maybe I shouldn't be like him

The door bell rang and it was the guys "hey Ash ! Calum guys what's up !"

Ash smiled "hey what's up , oh this is Luke we just adopted him"

Luke waved and was all shy like "hi ..i-im Luke it's nice to meet you guys " he half smiled

Michael listen to them talk for a bit then stopped just feeling frustrated putting his headphones in and play his game

The guys talk for least an hour and a half , then Calum started to make food
They was talking about music also Rian and Zach

"I forgot I had to do something important I'll be back" he heads to Michael room knocking on his door

Michael paise his game "go away Luke "

Luke left heading to Alex and Jack "hey Jack ...Alex c-can you help me ?"

Calum and Ash stared for second at the four of them

The two nodded "yeah what you need ?" Said Alex

"It's ugh m-my guitar can u help" Luke said

"Oh I can fix it " said Calum

"NO ..I mean no your a bassist there like more  experience in guitar then you I want them to help please "

The guys got up and followed him to
Michael room
Alex looked "who is he ? Is this both you guys room" said Jack

Luke shh him

Michael looked "this is my room ?! I'm m-micheal I'm huge fan I wanted to say hi but I got grounded "

Jack nodded "yeah I get it I been there it's okay "

Luke smiled
Alex smiled and sat down next to micheal "I see you have guitar , you play ?"

Michael nods "yeah I do but not that good tho ..yet "

Luke stood up "nu ugh he way good he doesn't want to say so tho "

The guys laugh and pass him his guitar "go for it "

Michael look at them never really feeling this type of nerves and start to play American idiot by greenday for them

The guys head bang

Calum and Ashton talk to each other wondering what taking so long

"Your really good but we should head to Ash and Cal so they won't get suspicious ;)" they go back to them

Luke stay up there smiling

Michael comfused on what just happen "luke ...on this moment for away I'm sorry for what I said in the past I" lay on his bed mouth dropped

"I could of just settled with a hug but that works " he smiled going to his room

Michael smiled once he left liking Luke for his brother
They played his guitar 

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