chapter 6:

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Michael was in the bathroom dying his hair blood red it came out really good

Luke was playing guitar trying to play quietly so he wouldn't disturb anyone

Michael finished up and walked to his room "look if your gonna play don't be afraid to if they cared then she shouldn't have gotten it for you. " He said sitting in my spinning chair

I looked at him seeing he did his hair again at this point just used to it nodding playing regular smiling some "I'm not that good your better then me , wanna grab your and you can teach me ?"

Michael shook his head no "you have to figure out your style I don't want you to copy mine in going out for bit " he's said

I looked at him "can I go ? " He just looked at me then head to the door as Ash grab us by the shoulders "what you boys doing ?"

Michael looked and shoved his arm away "I'm going out and he trying to follow me " he said heading out the door door

Luke looked at Ash then at Michael's "I'm sorry " he ran out to go catch up with him

Ash looked at them walking side by side it each other yelling "COME BACK IN AN HOUR PLEASE"

Luke gave him a thumbs up "So where we going ?!"

Michael looked at him " I don't see why you try to talk to me " pushing his head

"Cause i know you care about me that why u bug me " he smiled

Michael smiled a tad chuckling "I guess so a tad bit but not much besides I'm going to the arcade plays some games " he flipped him off "that's for being a annoying little brother "

Luke laughed and shoved him "that for being mean to me " Luke said laughing they head to arcade playing games loosing track of time

Michael and Luke playing laser tag
Michael was hidden in corner in the shadows one one could see him much he kept shooting Luke in the back getting tons of points

Luke was shooting but it was kinda hard to see since was blacked out basically minus are vest and guns I hid behind a wall shooting people as they pass but miss a couple times it was super fun even tho he came in dead last

Michael had the highest score so they let him get a prize behind the counter he got a eggplant plushy giving it to Luke

Luke held it smiling "thanks , so what should we do now ?"

"Idk it only 12:00 ish " said Michael

Luke eye widen "dad told us to come on home in a hour we're gonna be in trouble come on let's go" said Luke

Michael goes with him "why you have to be the good child Lucas ? Whatever " he goes with him heading home

(Tbc -)

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