I turned my attention back towards the portal, where I heard a scream.  “Bethany?” I called, but no response came.  Adrenaline dished through me as I ran through the portal.  I unwillingly pushed myself forward, and frantically looked around for Bethany and Benny.  All I saw was something white and fluffy flying around me, surrounded by blue.  My feet felt nothing underneath them, and when I looked down, I saw myself standing on one of those white, puffy things.  Trying to get it feel for it, I stomped my foot down on the fluff, and created a whole in it.  Just like that, the whole thing began to disperse underneath me, and I began to fall.


            I screamed as I was falling, my hands moving about to try and grab onto something.  They searched but couldn’t find anything.  That’s when I realized that I was falling from the sky.  “Help!” I called, knowing that no one could hear me, nonetheless, no where I am.  Will I fall to my death?  Did this happen to Bethany and Benny?  Did they fall?  And were they now… dead?  A million thoughts of panic ran through me.  I tried to breathe, but nothing could calm me down. 

            “How does it feel?” a voice called out, following a laugh.  “To have no one hear you?”

            Tears stung my eyes as I struggled for my voice.  “My whole life has been filled with that.  Why are you taunting Bethany and me with these memories of our past?  Why can’t you just leave us alone?  I mean, what have we ever done to you?” 

            “Nothing,” the voice tittered.  “But I’m going to make sure that I make your life just so great.”  The voice continued about in its mocking tone, which only made me want to cower about in fear.  I had done nothing wrong to the person behind this voice.  I do not deserve such treatment, and neither does Bethany.  We were both as innocent as could be when revolving around this mysterious voice.  We were only but the victims at this point, due to our ignorance. 

            I kept falling, wondering if I would ever land.  I felt like Alice from Wonderland at this point, just continuously falling, feeling lost and somewhat hopeless.  Not that I wanted to lose any sort of faith in myself or where I was heading, but it would be nice to know that I would eventually land and that, when I did, I would be completely safe.  Although I never really had any time in my life where I felt completely secure, I prefer the idea of it rather than the idea of insecurity that I’ll never land.

            Bethany and Benny, please be safe, I pleaded.  Just please be safe.  I don’t care what happens to me.  If anything, you two deserve to live the most.  You guys have a place in your life to land, while I have nowhere to go after this journey.  I’ll be stuck at home, crying because I have no one to talk to, complain to, or hang out with on the weekends, let alone after school.  Just please, please be safe, guys.


            My eyes began to well with water, and I started to feel somewhat dizzy.  It’s not like I was wishing death upon myself, but if one of us were chosen to die, I feel like I deserved it the most.  Bethany and Benny were the only people I ever felt really close to, and I’ve only known them for less than a day, which says something.  Outside of our immediate close-bond, I’ve never felt close to anyone, or had anyone that I cared so much about before.  After this little journey and we return back home, I’ll have nowhere to go.  I’ll stay the little loser that no one loves, unlike them who will return home, loved and missed.  I wonder if anyone back home even noticed that I went missing?

The Child That Never Was (NaNoWriMo 2014)Where stories live. Discover now