How Did I Disappear?

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I was looking
For a certain thing
That will make my reputation
Even better

I found a cave on an island
And it's very dark
Loads of creepy things
Side by side on it

As I enter that cave on
I found a mysterious world
A wonderland
That I didn't expect to get in

I didn't know
That I was fooled
And cast out being trapped
And imprisoned in this fake world

I can't get out
Can't have a connection to the real world
Even if I scream in an aisle
They won't hear it from the other side

Decades have passed
And I'm still locked in this birdcage
'Til I poofed out, turned into a dust
Perished before their eyes

They knew that I'm gone
The treacherous trail leads me
Into the world
That made me disappear

They got my throne
Threw all my pictures
Took all my things
And prove to people that I disappeared

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