Chapter 5: Kidnapped

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8:59 Pm 

Hot shot: uhh are you sure it's a good idea to put the energon in my chest?

Lori: yeah just put it in.

Hot shot: I see y'all on the other side.(places it on it's chest).

Until this happens.

Execllion: wh-whoa! I'm Red! What Clocker! You on camera...this means.(places on Clocker).

Swerve: whoa! I'm also Red!

Override: we've got problems!

Longarm: Hello.

Overcast: Noce to see you!

Deepdive: hello.

Until the mini cons are starting to attack override and they got Blowed up by jetfire.

Jetfire: here take this.(places the energon on Override).

Override GTS: whoa! Awesome.

Lori: Coby? Where's Bud.

In Kitty's room

Kitty: Bud.

Bud: listen I know that you're here right.

Kitty: yeah but.

Bud: you're just a chick with cat ears.

Kitty:(kiss his lips).

Bud:(blushing face) uh..I....I... don't....uhh...I'm gonna need a bucket of ice cream.

In the kitchen 

Lori:(humming and stop humming and see Bud eating the ice cream bucket). Bud what the heck are you eating the whole container of vanilla ice cream?


Backstop: Leobreaker!

Snarl: we've got problem.

Crosswise: yeah.

Downshift: oh god!

Leobreaker: oh no.

Longrack: yeah.

Hardtop: hello.

Swindle: Scrapmetals! Get them.

Dirt Boss: hello.

Undermine: yeah.

Brimestone: yes!

Menasor: yes!

Heavy Load: exactly!

Shortround: it's done.

Lugnutz: yeah. Exactly.

On the roof

Scattershot: it's too late.

Red Alert: yeah.

On the ground

Scourge: finally my energon!(places on his chest).

Until this happens 

Cryo Scourge: Yes!

On the roof

Red Alert: Jetfire. We don't feel to well.

Nemesis Breaker:(growling).

Sky Shadow:(grunting).


Excellion: I got you cover!(fight them).

Red Alert: What happen to the pets!

Scattershot: Wing Saber and Lori put them to sleep.

(Rockets firing and blows them up except the Atuobots on the roof did not die).

Starscream: Lord Galvatron....we've got them.

Galvatron: Good.

Wreckloose: now what.

Galvatron: create my army.

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