Chapter Two

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Most of the opinions I come up with turn out to be disastrous at the end. Occasionally I am simply not skilled to predict the outcome and even if everything appears like the universe will be fulfilling everything in my favor somehow things regardless go wrong somewhere and I feel condemned. That feeling intensified when I brought home a rock possessed by a demon.

And although I wasn't able to predict how most of my ideas would turn out I was unquestionably able to predict that searching online why demons are bad would not be the best idea while one is in your room. My mistake was not thinking it through before sitting down to my laptop. The demon was actually relatively pleasant to me until that moment.

"Demonic possession..." I mumbled while browsing the web in search of some answers. "They can manipulate a person by taking possession of their body or their mind and actions. Wow..."

The rock that was on my bed unexpectedly moved and fell down on the floor producing a loud noise. I glanced behind at it in panic when the demon shut my laptop forcefully.

"You search for answers? That will not give you the answers you seek!"

"I only wanted to find out more about you." I said gripping firmly onto my chair anticipating it to fly up in the air at any moment.

"Then ask me." I felt somebody stroking my hair and rapidly turned around. A small girl was standing in front of me. "I only wanted to comb your hair." She looked at me innocently. I turned around again and let her comb my hair although she wasn't particularly gentle while doing it.

"First of all, I would like to know your name."

"I am Damballa."

"That is an uncommon name. Where are you from?"

"For you to find out where I come from you would have to go incredibly low."

"What do you mean low? Like south pole?"

"No. Beneath the earth surface lies my kingdom."

"Oh, so you're a queen. That's cool. And how did you become whatever it is that you are?"

Suddenly I saw a little girl turn into a grown woman in the mirror in front of me. At first I got scared and wanted to stand up but she pulled my head back down.

"I was eternally what I am."

"How? But you said your family lived in a..."

"I lied. Get used to it. Your innocence amuses me at times but it is mainly irritating." She circled around the chair and stood in front of me, raising my head up. I saw she had blue hypnotizing eyes. "Do not expect to hear the truth from me. That way you will never get disappointed."

"Do you come from... hell?" I gasped watching her mouth stretch into a smile. She cracked up hard at that question and her voice sounded a bit deeper when she was laughing hysterically.

"Your questions are hard to answer! I will only say this... If you went to a foreign country..." She stood behind me again and put her hand on my shoulders while we were looking at each other in the mirror again. "You would have no problem telling everyone that you are arriving from a different area. And so do I. But I doubt you would put up a sign with your address for everyone to see."

"You're right. That question was too much. I'm sorry."

"Gina! Dinner is ready!" My mom called me from the hallway.

"Good." Damballa said smirking and rubbing her stomach. "I haven't eaten in centuries."


"Please do not make yourself visible to my parents. They would freak out." I whispered while carrying the rock in my hands to the dining room.

"I can not blame them for that. Who wouldn't?"

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