Chapter One

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Have you ever dreamt something so odd that you wish that it would happen already? Lucky you. My dreams always come true, and that is not good for me because of what my dreams consist of.

Before I admit to you why I am frightened of my dreams, I should tell you who I am. You might have assumed that I am Mary Sue, considering that this book has everything to do with her. Well, I am not. My name is Cassandra, and that name should be familiar to you. I first appeared in book seven. I had long, blond hair and wore a dark, long-sleeved shirt and dark pants.

Along with a few other Forlot people, I am part of an agency that protects the town of Forlot from the outside world, otherwise known as the real worlders. I love being an agent. It is never boring, and you are surrounded by fictional characters who deeply care for you.

Kathy is an excellent example to this. She is mostly Chinese, but also Mexican. That is why her skin was a mix of black and white. She was kind and the first friend that I made at the agency. Heck, Kathy is my only friend in the agency. The Forlot Agency is the name of our organization by the way.

Do not feel sorry for me. I have friends outside of the organization. Sophia Stars and her twin sister, Stephanie. They are wonderful.

Although that they are twins, Stephanie is famous and claimed by others to be attractive. Sophia is the opposite. No one wants to be her friend, and if I am being honest with you, she can get on your nerves. Regardless, her heart is in the right place.

Sophia and Stephanie had long and curly hair that are chocolate brown. Sophia wore a pink jumpsuit and white shoes, and Stephanie wore a blue, sleeveless dress with sparkles and low heels. Despite their differences, they get along real well, and I am relieved about that.

Friends come and go, but siblings are forever.

What was I supposed to confess to you? Oh, yeah. My dreams. Actually, they should be called nightmares because that is what they are.

I should first start off with the fact that Mary Sue was in charge of the agency. Do not ask me how that went through. There is proof that Ash did not put her in that position, so I know that she was not responsible.

Then who?

I have a theory, and it is the only one that makes any lick of sense.

You see, I believe Mary Sue somehow beat the system and weaseled her way right in. She is capable of doing that and probably murdered some people in her path.

Speaking of her murdering innocent people, that is exactly what my dreams are about. Gun. Shoot! Knife. Stab! Blood. Blood everywhere. On the floor. On the walls.

On Mary Sue's face.

Thank gosh that the dreams were nothing but nightmares. If any of that occurred in the real or fictional worlds, I would have gotten sick...


Oh, Cassandra. If only the dreams were not scars from the past.

Yeah. The nightmares never happened. Those poor folks did not really die...but the real worlders did.

Years ago before she was removed from her position, Mary Sue had killed so many real worlders. I can still remember lying in bed and waking up early in the morning. I had to because I could hear a faint voice.

The voice of Mary Sue.

"Cassandra. Cassandra, wake up!"

When I saw her with my own eyes, I almost screamed. I would have if not for Mary Sue covering my mouth...

...with her bloody hand.

I felt like gagging. Mary Sue's face and left hand were covered in blood, and she had on this disturbing smile.

"There is no need to scream, Cassandra. I did it!"

She pulled her hand away from my mouth, and I shuddered as I slowly sat up.

"M-Mary Sue..." I stuttered. "...what are you doing here? I-it is still dark outside."

"I will leave you to sleep as soon as I tell you the greatest news ever."

I moaned and rubbed my eyes. I most definitely was not in the mood to hear any news of hers. One, because I was tired. And two, because she had on blood, and I was sure that it was not hers.

"What did you do now, Mary Sue?" I groaned.

"I took care of those real worlders," Mary Sue said. "I doomed their economy."


"Easy. Since that they cannot see anything fictional, I was able to sneak in and kill the ones who are in charge of those pathetic real worlders."

My eyes widened. My bottom jaw shook.

" not mean...?"

"I do mean it, Cassandra! Haha! I killed them, and now, all the countries are going to war against each other."

"Why would you do that?!"

"Duh. 'Cause the real worlders are an awful species that should not exist. By the time that the war ends, all of them will be dead."

I scrambled out of bed and backed away. "How could you do that?! They are God's children!"

"His children? Ha! They are nothing but lost causes."

That was the last time that I heard from her...until now. I can still remember her last sentence.

Lost causes...lost causes...they are nothing but lost causes...

I never knew anything about the real worlders except that they are terrible. And it was not just Mary Sue who claimed that. Many Forlot residents thought the same. There is even a ban for no real worlders!

I tried to not mind it. I convinced myself that Mary Sue was mentally ill and needed help. I thought that she would change. I thought that I would move on from the past.

Too bad that Mary Sue was put in charge of the agency again.

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