How Did This Happen?!

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What is love? It is comfort during uncertainty...
safety in the face of danger...
It's stability standing on crumbling ground,

No clue where you are yet already feel found.

Adornment with temperament,

overabundance of contentment.

It's beauty at the ugliest times,

anger maximized while pride is still held in our timeless bind.

Always someone,

or something bigger people always warn or remind.

I don't care how great,

no height could touch this love with your name. 

Every inch is perfection,

every flaw is cherished.

That's your identification adding up to ur full creation.

Mistakes are derived only from worldly distraction,

immaturity, and social interaction.

Strong together could never come close to distracting our eye.
Our souls' positions may differ on their evolutionary paths,

and we may differ in the times we arrive.

But our seats are chosen in a predestined design.
Every moment will always lead you a step closer to divine design.
Everything learned from all we've been taught,

stands opposite to truth of actuality,

contradicting rational thought
Not conforming to our once believed idea of reality.

Then we realize love is the only genuine emotion of any,

serving as an innate form of true communication.

With this mocked and misconstrued language of purity light and truth,

only make sense that if it is this,

that lifts us high off our feet,
it too will be the very thing to  knock us to our knees,
bringing us to face the raw undeniable passion driving us crazy.
To love is to free fall through clouds
,Not a care in the world about the nearing ground.
Forever now you see;
your heart is bound in an unconditional unity. Even the flaws are beautiful,

there's no possibility any part could be wrong.

So you hold tight,

as you aspire to represent similar desire,

An embodiment of perfection in their eyes that burns with equal fire.
You give access to your soul,

because in them you feel you finally found home.

The safe security and comfort their energy radiates,
Overcompensates the pain they eventually start to cause,
while all the damage get ignored and erased. He continues to perceive how vulnerable your starting to be,
Recognizes his influence over your every heart beat.
All of you in your entirety,
Amounting to nothing of worth regardless how great you could be.
This shock to your system drops you to your knees.
Physically mentally emotionally metaphorically,

down to the core of your spirit
where you feel every ounce of it breaking.

Self worth suddenly no where to be found, Confidence has become a foreign sound. Support surrounds
all reminding you of what can't be found because your love has been suppressed and restricted from all around.
You'd give the world for the smile on their face,
As they watch you deteriorate,
any empathy is so obsolete
Compassion is never found in their hearts
but you saw it once,

and it was enough to hook you and hold you in the dark. 

Blindly waiting for their hand to deliver
just a drop of that love you crave,
withholding it now,

trying to understand the drastic change.

So intensely real,

sensations surreal, 

How such simple ease of accepted peace,

can be something to run from was unknown to me.

Burning holes in my soul,
from constant change.

instability of where we stood,

adjusting to polar opposite behaviors,

faulted for lack of assuming with logic working in reverse order.

A permeating pain hitting deeper
with every step lead by fleeing leaders of fear and insecurity.
Till you come to the realization your fighting a losing game.
You can not convince someone who does not give a level of concern
To understand the level from which they do not give.
You can not convince them of the quality they take for granite when it's freely readily available to them already.
You will not change how they act when they've gotten all they've wanted with that in tact.
Truth is they have not evolved to the level you stand
And nothing but life and their own mistakes will make them understand.
But you can not serve as their learning curve,
You can not bring their mind up to speed with yours at this time
You can not regress backwards you must trustingly strive forward.
Wish then the best, and trust yours is coming next
Be thankful for the knowledge gained
And allow it to be another source to refer when helping another through their pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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